Teller Report

"I could not stand in the middle of London." Bong Joon-ho 'Parasite', King of British Academy

2/3/2020, 4:41:17 PM

The film 'Parasite' directed by Bong Joon-ho was at the center of the UK awards ceremony following the United States. At the 73rd British Academy Awards held at the Royal Albert Hall in London, England, Parasite won two awards in both Foreign Language Film and Screenplay.

The film 'Parasite' directed by Bong Joon-ho was at the center of the UK awards ceremony following the United States.

On the 2nd (local time) at the 73rd British Academy Awards held at the Royal Albert Hall in London, England, 'parasite' won two awards in foreign language film and screenplay.

The British Academy is the UK's premier film awards ceremony for over 70 years. Park Chan-wook's film 'Girl' was the first Korean movie in 2018 to be awarded with a Foreign Language Award.

'Parasite' was nominated for four categories in this year's awards: works, directors, screenplays, and foreign language films, and two of them won trophies.
Bong Joon-ho expressed his testimony after winning the script award. "I didn't expect it at all. In fact, it's a scenario written in a foreign language, and I thank you for your love. Thank you to the actors who wrote the dialogues and scenes that I wrote nicely on the screen. I think it's a universal language. "

In addition, Bong Jun-ho said, "I spent a lot of time alone in a cafe. I was writing a scenario in a coffee shop.

The award-winning work was awarded to Sam Mendes' '1917'. Best Actor was Joaquin Phoenix for Joker, and Best Actress was Renee Zellweger for Judy.

(SBS funE Kim Ji-hye)