Teller Report

Tuchel has released Mbappé, Kyky has sulked again and it's starting to get annoying

2/1/2020, 9:43:08 PM

New spat between Mbappé, not happy to go out, and Tuchel, not happy that Kyky is not happy

Not always easy, life as a couple - Christophe Ena / AP / SIPA

At the Parc des Princes,

It's starting to become an ugly habit that Thomas Tuchel would happily do without. We are approaching the 70th minute, PSG are already leading 5-0 against Montpellier and the German coach is logically turning his workforce. He decides to get Kylian Mbappé out for the benefit of Mauro Icardi.

The scene that follows, you know it, you may have anticipated it as we saw the nonchalance of Kyky and the absence of joy emanating from the handshakes addressed to its incoming partners. Mbappé sulks, passes his hand in front of the mouth to avoid giving grit to readers on the lips and slides two, three words that we guess not very nice to Tuchel. The Parisian coach somehow retains the loustic, tries to justify himself, to calm him down, nothing helps. The striker goes to the bench and puts a wind to the staff member who handed him a down jacket.

Paris has fun in its Park and sticks a manita to the MHSC via @ 20minutesSport

- 20 Minutes Sport (@ 20minutesSport) February 1, 2020

Ambition vs sharing

Mixed zone, a good half hour after the final whistle. Between winds of disappointed Montpellier players and the arrival, three centuries later, of PSG players, big debate between journalists on the Mbappé case. A colleague does not hide being “fed up with his stupid reactions”, another criticism of the latter his bitterness. Each will choose its side, each will make its opinion. For Idrissa Gueye, for example, no problem, the big players are like that, it's a healthy ambition, he wants to score a lot of goals, anyway, you know the blabla.

"Pissed off [Mbappé]?" No but frustrated yes because he is a competitor, he wants to score more goals, and he felt that there was perhaps the opportunity to score more goals. We need these kind of players who have this mindset to want to win all the time, to score all the time. "

Pacific, Idrissa Gueye. Besides, no one really dares to overwhelm the young man. Only Angel Di Maria got wet (but only the tip of the toes) at the microphone of Canal +. "Everyone wants to play, nobody wants to go out, it's normal. Kylian or any striker that the coach wants to get out, it's difficult but you have to understand that there are guys on the bench who want to come in and there was the possibility. You have to understand it. ”

"I am not angry but I am sad"

We can understand, us, that no player wants to create a diplomatic incident while everything is going on in sports and even less one evening of manita. The responsibility for cropping logically falls to Thomas Tuchel at a press conference. Annoyed. Painful, even: "I am not angry but I am sad because it is not necessary". For the German, this kind of scene reflects a reality parallel to that of the daily life of the Parisian group which "shows a professional state of mind every day", and this type of behavior "always gives the impression that it is not like that. " Before tackling the French international harder. "It's going to stay like this: I will always decide sportily. We don't play tennis, we play soccer, we have to have respect for everyone. "

Not nice for tennis players, but it couldn't have been better. And then Kylian, if we can allow it, would be about seeing in the long term. Dortmund is coming, you have to save your strength. The rage to conquer, the 19-year-old mutant must keep it, he who turns to a goal every fifteen minutes on average.


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  • League 1
  • Sport
  • Kylian Mbappé
  • PSG
  • Thomas tuchel