Teller Report

Pesaro, group leader M5S, becomes councilor of the Municipality with Pd guidance. Wrath of Crimi

2/1/2020, 10:16:08 PM

On Pd-M5S alliance is chaos in the pentastellati. There are those who think it is an experiment in view of the regional spring elections


by Tiziana Di Giovannandrea 01 February 2020 The mayor of Pesaro Matteo Ricci, Pd, offers to the group leader M5s in the Municipality, Francesca Frenquellucci, the Department of Innovation. An irate Vito Crimi, regent of the Movement, launches a peremptory aut autent towards the pentastellata, by means of a letter, in which he warns: "If you accept it will be incompatible with our values".

Crimi's letter
In particular, in the letter Frenquellucci was represented as the entry into a Junta that is not led by the 5 Star Movement proves to be incompatible with the permanence within the Movement itself; rule this note to all pentastellate spokespersons. If, therefore, the acceptance of this appointment is true, the political leader asked the interested party to communicate immediately if he intends to suspend himself. In any case, Frenquellucci's position will be examined by the Board of Arbitrators, for the determinations of their competence.

Frenquellucci was nominated mayor of the M5S, political opponent of mayor Ricci to the administrative and then to the opposition. Now he is next to the first citizen of Pesaro as councilor. It is the first case in Italy of alliance between Pd and M5s, but in the Movement, the case breaks out. Also because the passage in the Giunta of Frenquellucci goes in the direction of alliances desired by the secretary of the Democratic Party Nicola Zingaretti in view of the next Regional elections.

After the hard line drawn by Vito Crimi, the direct interested party replied in the evening.

Frenquellucci's answer
"Resign, self-suspend? And why? I don't understand why I can't do what M5s is doing at national tables", replied Frenquellucci. "I did only what was in the M5s program, carrying on M5s themes, and I got the result of bringing the University back to Pesaro, something my predecessors had fought for in the City Council and that I had put in the my election program, "he told Ansa Frenquellucci. "I did what I was doing before, as a councilor - he added - only that, in that case, to get my projects approved I had to 'lean' on the resolutions made by another councilor. By entering the council I will be able to propose acts".

Frenquellucci then underlined that the entry into the Board came after "a 5-month political laboratory" where it was thought, through an agreement with the Polytechnic University of the Marche, to carry out a 'degree in information engineering' course . Its powers should include economic activities, demographic services, computer networks and digital cities, direct democracy, universities.