Teller Report

Näslund continues to line up top positions - Edebo with the first pallet location

2/1/2020, 11:40:19 AM

Sandra Näslund continues to show class in the World Cup. In Megeve, she took another pallet seat when she entered a second place. In the final she also had Alexandra Edebo, who reached the third final of the season and finished in her first podium place in the World Cup.

It was a nice blue day when both Sandra Näslund and Alexandra Edebo made their way all the way to the final in French Megeve. Sandra Näslund took first place in both quarter and semi there, but Edebo lived a little more on the border when she finished in second place in both the quarter and semi-finals.

In the seminar, however, it seemed to be a place in the small finals at first. But when German Daniela Maier faced a big miss where she lost all speed, Edebo seized the opportunity, and passed by. And she wouldn't drop second, and made it to the grand final for the third time this season.

In the final, Sandra Näslund ended up behind the start for the sake of unusualness. And that would be crucial, because despite an intense fight, she failed to make it past Marielle Thompson, Canada, and finished second. Behind that duel there was another duel about the third place between Edebo and Marielle Berger Sabbatel. In that duel it became a Swedish victory, and Alexandra Edebo managed to clinch her first podium place in the World Cup.

CLIP: Andrea Limbacher crashes in the purple final

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