Teller Report

Britta Johansson Norgren won in Italy - back in the cup lead

2/1/2020, 9:46:07 AM

Britta Johansson Some people started the season well. However, recent competitions have gone worse. But today she won a dramatic race in Italy - and now tops the long run again.

Britta Johansson Norgren, who has won the long-running cup four years in a row, is back at the top of the long-running world.

After a nice start to the season, where she won the first two races and then finished second in the next two, she has had a slightly heavier period and missed the podium two races in a row.

42 km long race

But now she is back as the winner. Today she won the 42 kilometer long race between Toblach and Cortina after a dramatic sprinting with Norwegian Norwegian Kari Vikhagen Gjeitnes.

The Swedish-Norwegian duo had long been ahead of the rest of the field, but with a kilometer left, Johansson Norgren looked to have moved away from the Norwegian. But Gjeitnes, came back and by the rally they were basically side by side.

Tops the total

But Johansson Norgren was strongest - and reached the finish a tenth of a second ahead of the Norwegian.

As a result, Britta Johansson Norgren is back in the lone lead of the long-distance race, with three races left to run.