Teller Report

New pneumonia infection 141 people in 23 countries and regions other than mainland China

1/31/2020, 11:19:07 AM

Countries and regions that have been infected with the new coronavirus have been identified in 23 countries and regions other than China, with 141 infected people.

New type pneumonia infected 141 people in 23 countries and regions other than mainland China January 31 20:11

Countries and regions that have been infected with the new coronavirus have been identified in 23 countries and regions other than China, with 141 infected people.

In the UK, two people were reported to be infected with the new coronavirus on the 31st, confirming the first infection in the country.

On the 31st, it was announced that five new cases were confirmed in Thailand and South Korea, respectively, two of which were confirmed to be infected in South Korea by a family of Korean men who seemed to be infected in Korea. The Ministry of Health and Welfare states that "it is estimated to be a tertiary infection."

As a result, the number of infected cases outside China has been
1919 people in Thailand,
1515 people in Japan,
1313 people in Singapore,
1212 people in Hong Kong,
11 11 people in Korea,
9 9 people each in Taiwan and Australia,
88 people in Malaysia,
77 people in Macau,
6 6 people each in the United States and France,
5 Five people each in Vietnam and Germany,
4Four people in UAE,
2 Two people each in Canada, Italy and the UK,
1One person each in Nepal, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Finland, India and Philippines.

Of these, eight people and regions, including Japan, Vietnam, Taiwan, Germany, the United States, France, Korea, and Thailand, have been infected with people who have never traveled to Wuhan.

First infection confirmed in the UK

British health officials said on Tuesday that two people were confirmed to be infected with the new coronavirus. This is the first time an infection has been confirmed in the UK.

They say they are family members, but did not disclose detailed information such as nationality, age, or history of traveling to Wuhan.

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