Teller Report

Liverpool wants to win the 20th straight

1/31/2020, 10:08:27 PM

Liverpool, the unofficial champion, is searching today for its 20th successive home victory and a Manchester City number equalization in the 25th round of the English Football League. In a phase witnessing several fiery matches, Liverpool will take the lead, 19 points behind Manchester City, Southampton

Liverpool, the unofficial champion, is searching today for its 20th successive home victory and a Manchester City number equalization in the 25th round of the English Football League. In a phase where there are many fiery matches, Liverpool will take the lead, 19 points behind Manchester City, Southampton, who is living a good period in which it has won five times in the last seven games.

But the German coach Juergen Klopp's squad lives on another "planet" this season in the league, winning 23 out of 24 games and drawing one orphan. And in the event of the victory of the "Reds", they will be separated by a 22-time difference from City, who is facing a difficult confrontation tomorrow on the territory of Tottenham VI.

Guardiola's confrontation with Tottenham coach Jose Mourinho will be different from that in 2016 when Al-Mumayaz oversaw Chelsea. The data for facing tomorrow are different, given Liverpool's lead in front of City, and the period of hesitation experienced by Tottenham this season, which saw the dismissal of his Argentine coach Mauricio Pochettino.

City came close to losing a title it won in the past two seasons, to focus more on a European career as long as the club dreamed of it, while Mourinho hopes in the league to qualify for the Champions League, where he will face in the final price of the current version of the German Leipzig. Despite City's chances, Guardiola described his players as "fantastic", after winning four times in the last five league games.

On the other hand, Tottenham are suffering since the injury of their international scorer Harry Kane, and he has begun to cope with the departure of Danish midfielder Christian Eriksen to Inter of Italy. Eriksen's 23rd number will be from Stephen Bergwein, 22, from Eindhoven.


Point difference between leaders Liverpool leaders, with his closest pursuers Manchester City.