Teller Report

Competitions are moved from China to Austria

1/31/2020, 10:31:07 AM

The Alpine World Cup competitions in China which were canceled due to the corona virus are moved to Saalbach-Hinterglemm in Austria. It informs the organizer on its website.

On Wednesday, the news came that the International Ski Federation has suspended the men's races in super-G and downhill in Yanqing on February 15-16 due to concerns about the Wuhan virus.

"Even if the risk level in Yanqing is low, the health and well-being of the active and all participants must be prioritized," said Fis's chairman Gian-Franco Kasper in a statement.

Now it is clear that the competitions, which would have been a pre-Olympics for the Winter Games in China 2022, will run in Austria on 13-14 February.

Several Chinese sports competitions have been canceled or moved from China following the outbreak of the virus. Among other things, the International Athletics Association has moved the indoor World Cup in Nanjing to next year.