Teller Report

U.S. Vice President appeals for Trump re-election in Iowa

1/30/2020, 10:49:18 PM

Vice President Pence has arrived on the shores of Iowa's party rally next week ...

U.S. Vice President appeals for Trump's re-election in Iowa Jan. 7:44

Ahead of Iowa's party rally, which is the first match of candidates for the U.S. presidential election, next week, Vice President Pence enters the country and appeals to Christian conservatives such as the Middle East peace plan etc. to Trump's re-election Appealed for their support.

The Republican and Democratic parties are to hold their first party rally in the Midwest in Iowa on the 3rd of next week in the U.S. for the U.S. presidential election, before Vice President Pence on Thursday in Christchurch, Iowa. He spoke at a conservative rally.

Mr. Pence said the administration announced this week that Christian conservatives valued support for Israel, calling it a bold proposal for peace, calling for a unique Middle Eastern peace plan in which Palestine is strongly opposing. We will not give up for the security of Israel. "

With that in mind in the presidential election, he said, "I want you to decide here to win in Iowa."

A former civil servant man said that `` President Trump is doing well for difficult Middle East peace '', and a man who runs livestock in the local area also said `` I will attend a party member meeting again and support President Trump '' .

Vice President Pence will also address Iowa veterans' rally, and at night he and President Trump will hold a rally for supporters to unite their support base.

Meanwhile, Democratic candidates are also rallying in Iowa, with four members, including former Vice President Biden and Senator Sanders, rivaling each other.