Teller Report

The tests on the Chinese couple were negative. Relief for the seven thousand people stranded on the Costa Smeralda

1/30/2020, 7:28:18 PM

The ship stopped in the early hours of the morning in the port of Civitavecchia for fear of contagion from Coronavirus. None of the six thousand passengers and one thousand crew members have so far been authorized to disembark

  • Coronavirus. 170 victims in China, over seven thousand infections
  • Coronavirus: alert in France, fourth case confirmed. WHO: "High global risk"


January 30, 2020Good news for the six thousand passengers and the thousand crew members of the Costa Smeralda ship, blocked from early in the morning in the port of Civitavecchia due to the suspected coronavirus infection for a Chinese woman who has a fever: the analyzes have given results negative.

Spallanzani: negative tests on the Macao couple
"After carrying out all the checks according to the operating protocols on the two passengers of the ship moored at the port of Civitavecchia, the feedback is negative". It confirms it
in a statement the National Institute of Infectious Diseases L. Spallanzani in Rome.

Nightmare turned away
The cruise vacation risked turning into a nightmare for the over 6000 passengers after the Macau couple, wife and husband, were placed in solitary confinement because the woman has a fever. So the health alarm went off and, unfortunately, also the fear of the Coronavirus infection among those who shared corridors and restaurants. None of the tourists and the thousand crew members have so far been allowed to go ashore.

No new boarding, the ship remains in Civitavecchia
Indeed, in the evening the confirmation also arrived that the cruise will undergo substantial changes: the approximately 1000 passengers who should have boarded today in Civitavecchia on the Costa Smeralda will spend the night in the hotels in the area and tomorrow morning will be taken back to the terminal. Costa Crociere sources therefore confirm that the ship will not leave tonight. In addition, it is learned that the ship will skip the La Spezia stage to go directly to Savona.

The case of the woman with a fever
"The 54-year-old woman was placed in solitary confinement in the on-board hospital last night with her travel companion," the company said in a statement. "As soon as the suspected case was detected - continues the note - the on-board medical staff immediately activated the health procedures foreseen in these cases. The health authorities, promptly informed, are currently on board to carry out the necessary investigations. Our priority is to ensure the health and safety of guests and crew. The company has made itself available to the health authority and will strictly follow its instructions ".


- Filippo🇮🇹 (@ Filippo64416163) January 30, 2020

The mayor of Civitavecchia: my duty to protect citizens
The Chinese couple were placed in isolation in separate areas of the ship's sanitary space. The isolation of the companion occurred as a precaution. "With reference to the investigations on a Chinese passenger of the Costa Smeralda, I inform that from this morning I am in contact with the Port Commander and with the Maritime Health Office to monitor and keep the situation under control", says the mayor of Civitavecchia Ernesto Tedesco, who explains to Rainews' microphones: I have a duty to protect my citizens.

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