Teller Report

Catalan Dragons recruit Folau, Australian sacked for homophobia

1/28/2020, 1:34:40 PM

"We want to give Israel a new opportunity to shine on the field," said club president Bernard Guasch.

Israel Folau, here in the Waratah jersey, signed to the Catalan Dragons on January 28, 2020. - Koji Ito / AP / SIPA

Israel Folau has found a club. And it is in France. The former Australian international XV, banned by his federation for homophobic remarks in spring 2019, signed in favor of the Catalan Dragons, rugby league club based in Perpignan. In a statement, the club said the 30-year-old had initialed a one-year contract.

Folau had been sacked by Rugby Australia last April after having claimed on social networks that "hell" awaited homosexuals. "We want to give Israel a new opportunity to shine on the pitch," said President Bernard Guasch. We do not endorse or share the words of Israel based on his sincere religious belief. We do not share or tolerate his opinions and we are totally committed to making our club and our sport open and welcoming to everyone. "

The slightest slip is prohibited

The player also spoke. "I am a proud Christian, my beliefs are personal, I never intended to hurt anyone and I will no longer make any public comments about it. I look forward to my return to the fantastic sport of rugby league. "

If Folau were to slip again, the Perpignan club would be uncompromising. "Any transgression will result in the immediate termination of Israel's contract and a substantial fine for the club," says Bernard Guasch.


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  • Sport
  • Australia
  • Rugby
  • homophobia