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“He was an outstanding rival”: the world recalls NBA legend Kobe Bryant

1/27/2020, 12:58:16 PM

Kobe Bryant was one of the most outstanding basketball players in history and has inspired people around the world. This was stated by the Commissioner of the National Basketball Association Adam Silver. Six-time NBA champion Michael Jordan called Bryant his greatest rival, and captain of the Washington Capitals NHL club Alexander Ovechkin talked about his friendship with a basketball player.

The death of Kobe Bryant was a severe blow not only for the basketball, but also for the entire sports world. Their condolences were expressed not only by former teammates and colleagues of the five-time NBA champion, but also other famous athletes who either knew personally or admired the performances of the legendary Los Angeles Lakers player.

One of the first to retire from the life of the legendary basketball player was the National Basketball Association (NBA), in which Bryant played for 20 years. The head of the organization, Adam Silver, issued an official statement honoring the memory of the great athlete.

“The NBA family is devastated by the tragic death of Kobe Bryant and his daughter. Over the course of 20 seasons, Kobe has shown us what is possible when natural talent is combined with an absolute desire for victory. Bryant was one of the most outstanding players in history. But most of all he will be remembered for the fact that he inspired people all over the planet to pick up a basketball and compete to the best of their ability ... We express our sincere condolences to his wife Vanessa, their family, the Lakers club and other organizations, " said Silver.

At the same time, the NBA commissioner especially noted Bryant’s desire to help young basketball players and to transfer their vast experience to them. So, after the end of his career, Kobe repeatedly conducted personal training with talented league players and helped them develop. In particular, he personally worked with Boston Celtics striker Jason Tatum and Utah Jazz quarterback Donovan Mitchell, as well as many others.

It is not surprising that the news about the death of Bryant was taken very seriously by the current Lakers leader LeBron James. He learned this news on the way from Philadelphia, where the team held the next match of the NBA regular season, and could not hold back tears. At the same time, before this meeting, LeBron beat Kobe in the number of points scored in his career, becoming the third most successful player in league history. To pay tribute to the symbol of the club, he entered a new game in sneakers with the inscription “Mamba for life”.

Throughout their careers, James and Bryant regularly confronted each other on the court, and also performed together as part of the US national team at the Olympics. In 2008 and 2012, they led the national team to victory in competitions in Beijing and London.

LeBron James emotional as he exits the Lakers team plane following news of Kobe and Gianna Bryant's death. 💔😢


- Complex (@Complex) January 27, 2020

Michael Jordan expressed his condolences. As a child, Bryant was a fan of the Chicago Bulls striker and was inspired by his game, and subsequently devoted his entire career to meeting the level of his idol.

“I'm shocked by the tragic news of the death of Kobe and his daughter Gianna. Words cannot describe the pain I feel. I loved Kobe - he was like a little brother to me. We often talked with him, and I will be sorely missed by our conversations. He was one of the greatest people in this game ... Kobe was also an incredible father who loved his family very much and conveyed his daughter's love of basketball to his daughter, ”Jordan said in a statement.

The news of Bryant’s death was commented on by his long-time Lakers partner Shaquille O'Neill. In the early 2000s, this bunch was considered the strongest in the NBA, as evidenced by the four Larry O'Brien Cups. However, all this time the athletes were not in the warmest relations and regularly clashed, which provoked the departure of the center at Miami. Players were able to establish a relationship only after leaving the sport.

“There are no words to describe all the pain that I experience in connection with the loss of my beautiful Gigi and brother Kobe Bryant. I love you, I will miss you. My condolences to the Bryant family, as well as the families of those killed in the disaster, ”O'Neill wrote on his Twitter page.

His former mentor Phil Jackson spoke about the death of Bryant. The former Chicago and Lakers coach has been with Kobe for 11 years and helped him become a five-time NBA champion.

“A helicopter crash is a tragedy for many families. My condolences to Vanessa and to those who also lost relatives. Kobe was the chosen one for many people. Our relationship with him was much deeper than just between a coach and a player, ”Jackson quoted the Bleacher Report as saying.

Unlike Jackson, the current Los Angeles Clippers coach, Doc Rivers, was not fortunate enough to work with Bryant, but he was repeatedly on the other side of the barricades. So, his former Boston team met twice with the Lakers in the NBA finals. Answering a question about Kobe, he could not hold back his tears.

“Naturally, Kobe meant a lot to me: he was such an outstanding rival. This is what you need in sports. Only a few athletes can find such DNA like his: Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, ”Rivers quotes The Crossover.

The death of Bryant did not leave anyone indifferent from a large basketball family. So, one of the greatest players in history, Karim Abdul-Jabbar admitted that he considers Kobe “more than an athlete, and the three-time NBA champion in the Miami, Dwayne Wade, called January 26“ one of the saddest days in his life. ” The former Phoenix striker Charles Barkley agreed with him, as well as Dallas point guard Luka Doncic and many others.

Despite the severe emotional shock, many athletes were forced to go to the site for the next regular season matches. By order of the association’s leadership, each of them began with a moment of silence in memory of Kobe, and the basketball players themselves organized a touching action. So, they refused to attack the ring in the first minutes of the game, thereby violating the rule of 24 seconds.

On this day, the Lakers were not supposed to go to the court, which did not stop their fans from gathering around the Staples Center sports complex to commemorate the basketball player. Fans organized an impromptu memorial by laying flowers and wreaths.

The departure of Bryant was a shock for athletes from other species. About the legendary basketball player spoke captain of the NHL club Washington Capitals Alexander Ovechkin.

“I met Bryant three to four times. He always shook my hand, recognized me, ”Samantha Pell, the journalist of The Washington Post, quotes Ovechkin.

Five-time winner of the Grand Slam tennis tournament, Maria Sharapova, also expressed condolences on the death of the basketball player. The athlete admitted that she would never forget Bryant's generosity.

“I will always be grateful to you. My heart is with you and your beautiful family, ”said Sharapova.

Eight-time Olympic champion Usain Bolt admitted that he still can’t believe in Bryant’s death, and the long-time leader of the Barcelona football club Lionel Messi said that the tragic news came as a shock to him. The Argentinean also added that he mourned with his family and friends Kobe.

“Our meetings and spending time together were a pleasure for me. We were left by a genius, of whom there were few, ”Messi wrote.

Bryant’s tragedy found an echo far beyond the world of sports. The Grammy award ceremony began with a moment of silence in memory of the basketball player and touching words of the singer Alisha Kis.

“We gathered here on the most important evening for music. We pay tribute to the best musicians. But, frankly, we are all insanely sad now. Because today Los Angeles, America and the whole world have lost a hero. And here we are, heartbroken, literally in the house that Kobe Bryant built, ”said Kies, after which she performed It's So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday with Boyz II Men.

The death of Bryant was commented, including by former US President Barack Obama.

“Kobe Bryant was a legend on the set and was on his way to making the second act of his life just as impressive. As for parents, the loss of Gianna is even more sad for us. Michelle and I express our condolences to wife Kobe Vanessa and the entire Bryant family, ”Obama said on Twitter.

In turn, rapper Kanye West thanked Bryant for the fact that he “inspired everyone with his life,” and singer Cher admitted that “the whole of America condoles with his death.”

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