Teller Report

Vanessa Nakate, fellow activist of Greta Thunberg: "You have erased a continent"

1/26/2020, 5:52:22 PM

"You have erased an entire continent," lamented Vanessa Nakate, the young Ugandan woman who posed alongside Greta Thunberg and other climate activists in Davos, and who was literally erase

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"You have erased an entire continent," lamented Vanessa Nakate , the young Ugandan woman who posed alongside Greta Thunberg and other climate activists in Davos, and that was literally erased from the photo distributed by the AP agency. "Why did they cut me in the picture? I was part of the group," criticized Vanessa, who claims to have understood for the first time in his life "the meaning of the word racism."

" The cut was made by a mere criterion of composition, " said AP photography director David Ake. "The photographer cut it with the urgency of the closure and because he thought that the building that was in the background was a distraction."

In front of the building in question, at one end of the picture, was precisely Vannesa Nakate, who dispensed with the advice they gave him other times - "get in the middle" - to avoid the unwanted cut. Greta Thunberg herself, who posed alongside Luisa Neubauer, Isabelle Axelsson and Loukin Tille , has come out in defense of the 18-year-old Ugandan activist, leader of the Fridays for Future climate strikes in Africa.

"We do not deserve this: Africa is the smallest emitter of CO2 and the most affected by the climate crisis ," said Vanessa Nakate, who decided to post a video on the networks denouncing his case. "Deleting our voices is no use, deleting our stories will not change the situation."

The incident has served to spur debate on racism and climate justice . "It is a disgrace not only that we ignore Africa, but that we decide to exclude it in this way from the photo," denounced the young Irish activist Theo Cullen-Mouse, 17. "The least we can do is give a voice to Africa . "

Dozens of young people took Fridays for Future protests to the World Economic Forum in Davos , this year focused on climate change action. The start of the summit was accompanied by a new dialectical pulse between Greta Thunberg and President Trump , who asked the business elite to ignore "the prophets of the apocalypse."

"No need to study economics"

The secretary of the US Treasury went further and expressly asked Greta to study Economics, to which the Swedish activist replied: "It is not necessary to study Economics to know that our carbon budget, to keep the temperature rise below 1, 5ÂșC, does not match the investments in fossil fuels planned for the next decade. "

Prince Charles , Chancellor Angela Merkel, IMF President Christine Largarde and even the former Governor of the Bank of England and new UN Ambassador for Finance and Climate Change, Mark Carney, however, sided with Greta and made an urgent call to action. "Companies that don't transition to a low-carbon economy are doomed to extinction, " Carney predicted.

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  • Science and Health
  • Greta Thunberg

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