Teller Report

Claudio Magris: "Showing politically correct indicates weakness"

1/26/2020, 1:22:10 AM

A snapshot is a photograph taken with a very short exposure time. The Italian writer Claudio Magris (Trieste, 1939), has been taking snapshots for years, capturing


Updated Saturday, January 25, 2020 - 22:31

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A snapshot is a photograph taken with a very short exposure time. The Italian writer Claudio Magris (Trieste, 1939), has been taking snapshots for years, capturing through brief literary flashes of everyday life that call his attention: dialogues he hears, small gestures he observes here or there, phrases he has heard at a dinner or at a congress ... But, whatever unleashes your interest, it gives you the opportunity to carry out a deeper reflection, capture

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