Teller Report

The great moose walk attracts large crowds

1/25/2020, 5:43:26 PM

The moose delayed. But have already won the hearts of viewers. The great moose walk has been watched for over 1.5 million hours in total in SVT Play. And we are still waiting for the main number.

Since last week SVT has acted as a window straight out into nature. With the help of over 15 remote cameras, two drones, a boat camera, around 10,000 meters of cable and people working around the clock, viewers have been able to follow nature's dramatic spectacle in The Great Elk Walk produced by SVT Umeå.

And the fact that things are going slowly, where nature gets its go, is a big part of the viewers' delight.

- We have received a great response since we started the broadcast on April 15. There were no moose at first, then you were a little nervous. It was really quiet TV but there is something meditative about watching this, says Johan Erhag, project manager.

Absolutely magical numbers

But the moose eventually showed up. And the audience chuckled. So far, the figures have been above all expectations, according to production. The great moose walk has been started over a million times on SVT Play and has a total of over 1.5 million hours played.

- These are absolutely magical numbers. There is probably no other project, possibly the Music Aid, that is up to that level. So it's clear that this is SVT Umeå's biggest project right now, says Johan Erhag.

But even though the broadcast has exceeded expectations and there has been a lot of action, the viewers are still waiting for the main number when the elks in supposedly hundreds will swim across the Ångerman River.