Teller Report

Impeachment: Donald Trump's lawyers enter the scene

1/25/2020, 6:16:15 PM

Pat Cipollone, the White House lawyer who spoke before Congress, said the US president "did absolutely nothing wrong"

Pat Cipollone outside Congress, Washington, January 25, 2020. - US Senate Television via CNP / Newscom / SIPA

According to the terms of the defense, Saturday's presentation is more like a "trailer". Still, she did not mince words. After the meticulous indictment of the Democrats in favor of a dismissal, the lawyers of Donald Trump thus began their pleadings, warning against the temptation to call into question the verdict of the ballot boxes "without the least proof".

"When you hear the facts (...) you will see that the president has done absolutely nothing wrong," said Pat Cipollone, a lawyer for the White House, who spoke before Congress during a meeting. an exceptionally organized session on a Saturday. In a Senate controlled by the Republicans (53 seats out of 100), the acquittal of the 45th President of the United States is little doubt. But less than 300 days before the presidential election, the debates are also a battle for public opinion.

"Tear up all the ballots in this country"

Faced with senators eager to leave Washington for the weekend, especially Democratic candidates Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren eager to find campaign stands in Iowa, Pat Cipollone has promised a session of "two or three hours at most ". Former host of a reality show and avid viewer, Donald Trump himself set the tone the day before: Saturday is the “Death Valley” in terms of audience, no need to waste time in long pleadings, better keep your strength for next week.

Like the accusation, the billionaire's lawyers will have a total of 24 hours, spread over three days. The intervention of the famous constitutional expert Alan Dershowitz, who was, among others, the lawyer of OJ Simpson and the financier Jeffrey Epstein is notably expected.

Faced with silent senators, Pat Cipollone accused the president's political opponents of seeking to organize "the biggest election interference in American history". "They ask you to (remove the president) without any proof (...) They ask you to tear up all the ballots in this country". "We cannot accept this," he added, promising to carry out the second part of this historic trial in an "efficient and rapid" manner so that all Americans can turn to the electoral meeting of 3 November. "Let the people decide, that's what the founding fathers wanted," he concluded.

Democrats say Trump tried to "cheat in election"

The prosecution has tried since Wednesday to demonstrate that Donald Trump, the third president in history to go through the process of a dismissal trial, was guilty of abuse of power and obstructs the work of Congress. Former New York businessman accused of asking Ukraine to investigate Democrat Joe Biden, his potential presidential opponent, while freezing crucial military aid to the country in conflict with Russia.

The president used the power of the presidency to force Kiev to announce investigations into his rival in order to "dirty him" and "cheat in the election," said chief prosecutor Adam Schiff. Once "unmasked" by the intervention of a mysterious whistleblower, "he worked hard to cover up the case" and block the investigation of Congress, added the elected Hakeem Jeffries. Their methodical unfolding of facts, interspersed with video extracts, historical references and lyrical flights, drew an unflattering portrait of the impetuous republican billionaire.

According to a Washington Post-ABC News poll, 47% of Americans believe that Donald Trump should be forced to leave the White House, 49% believe the opposite. Almost two-thirds of those questioned, however, wish to hear other witnesses. The House of Representatives, in the hands of the Democrats, indicted the president on December 18. Proof that Donald Trump can count on a "Grand Old Party" at attention, not a single Republican had supported this vote of "impeachment".


VIDEO. “Impeachment”: “Shame on you! Democrats and Republicans Shake Up Trump Trial


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  • dismissal
  • World
  • United States
  • Donald trump

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