Teller Report

VIDEO. In "Capital", Nicolas Hulot advocates an "incentive VAT"

1/24/2020, 9:34:03 AM

The former Minister of the Environment is the guest of the M6 ​​program this Sunday

Nicolas Hulot and Julien Courbet in the issue of Capital broadcast on January 26, 2019 on M6. - Lou BRETON / M6

“Consume differently: Yes, but at what price? This question will be at the center of the Capital issue broadcast this Sunday at 9:05 pm on M6. Three reports are on the program: one on the problematic recycling of washing machines, another on the "real" price of electricity and the third on pesticides which are far from having disappeared from our plates.

On set, Nicolas Hulot, guest of Julien Courbet, will react to these subjects. In an extract that 20 Minutes invites you to discover exclusively, the former Minister of the Environment says that we can "become a little more responsible consumers by putting a dose of conscience into everyday life". He advocates the establishment of an "incentive VAT".

“For the plane or the washing machines, for example, you put a big VAT which gradually becomes stronger. (…) Everyone will have an interest, producers as well as consumers, in going into the virtuous category. But the idea is easier to theorize than to concretize since it would be necessary to realize it "at European level".


Nicolas Hulot, elected symbol of the renewal of environmental commitment in 2019


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  • VAT
  • M6
  • Nicolas Hulot
  • Economy
  • Television
  • Capital
  • Consumption