Teller Report

Filmmakers at "Al Ain Festival": Will theaters disappear in the coming years?

1/24/2020, 10:06:31 PM

Filmmakers and specialists in Gulf cinema called for the establishment of academic institutions in the Gulf to prepare a generation of filmmakers who combine thought, art and the craft of making a good film, and a Gulf cinematographic center to support attempts to establish a filmmaking in the region, warning of the great development witnessed

Filmmakers and specialists in Gulf cinema called for the establishment of academic institutions in the Gulf to prepare a generation of filmmakers who combine thought, art and the craft of making a good movie, and a Gulf cinematic center to support attempts to establish filmmaking in the region, warning of the great development of modern technologies that have become a double-edged sword In filmmaking, it threatens the continuation of the film industry in its traditional form. They also stressed the importance of achieving an equation for combining artistic and commercial aspects in the films that are presented.

The director of Al Ain Film Festival, Amer Al Marri, pointed out that achieving a balance between the artistic and commercial sides in the films presented is a trend that the festival seeks to establish with filmmakers, stressing during the dialogue session that was organized yesterday within the activities of the Al Ain Film Festival under the title «Gulf cinema : Reality and ambition "on the influence of films on forming national and societal awareness, and expressing issues of society and the state, citing the example of the Egyptian movie" The Passage "that was recently shown, about the Egyptian army’s heroism in the October 1973 war, and was able to unite the Egyptians and spread in them a spirit of pride and intent DONC.

double-edged sword

For his part, film critic and analyst Dr. Imad Nouiri warned of the growing role of social media and modern technologies in filmmaking, as well as their display, as the mobile phone will become a means of display in a way that threatens the continuation of traditional cinemas, and it is expected that the importance of theaters will decrease significantly in the five years Next, the mobile phone will also provide the opportunity to produce movies for everyone who wishes. He also expected that the role of censorship on artworks would become a fossil of the past during the next ten years. He explained that cinema depends on three elements, the first is industry and specializes in the availability of photography and studios, and the second is in art and means the content that is presented in the work, while the third element is in trade, i.e. distribution and marketing of the film, and there must be a general policy regulating marketing Gulf films inside and outside the region, pointing out that the scene during the last twenty years has witnessed many developments and there have become great ambitions and ideas among filmmakers in the Gulf, and problems such as marketing have declined after applications such as YouTube have become an easy way to display artistic production, as well as the problem of dialect a Gulf, which is no longer a major hindrance to the marketing of Gulf business, such as the past.

Shoot your movie in Oman

For his part, the President of the Muscat Film Festival, Qassim Al-Sulaimi, called for the establishment of a specialized film center in the Gulf that works to develop the skills of young people and support them to provide good works. He also revealed a new strategy followed by the Sultanate of Oman during the coming period under the title "Make your movie in Oman", and aims to open the way for producers from all over the world to film their films in the Sultanate, and benefit from the great diversity in the natural terrain and historical and tourist sites, pointing To the cooperation of the ministries of tourism, media and arts to organize the implementation of this strategy, which will open a field for young people in Oman to work in this field and gain experience.

The Dean of the Higher Institute of Cinema in Cairo, Dr. Mohsen El-Touni, that the film industry combines art and craftsmanship, and that the digital medium entering the field of filmmaking instead of the traditional medium represented by the film strip represents a double-edged sword, while it hindered the implementation of a film in front of young people, it also made it possible to implement a film for those who do not have awareness of the importance of Cinema.

Tony stressed that access to international festivals requires the film to be local, and to reflect humanitarian topics that reflect the local reality of the filmmaker. He also rejected expectations that the movie theaters would disappear in light of the technical development, considering that the movie screen has a special magic, and provides the viewer with a human experience that cannot be replaced by home viewing.

And he expressed the hope that there would be a cinematic study in the Gulf that would contribute to the graduation of an academic generation with awareness.

"The Power of Cinema"

Bahraini producer and screenwriter, Farid Ramadan, stressed the importance of cinema as a way to address the world, stressing that who possesses cinematic production possesses the power of the image and its influence on the other, and has the ability to present his experience, culture, history and heritage to the world, pointing out that the Arab Spring that the region witnessed proved that countries that have a cinematic history It also possesses the ability to face challenges and cohesion in facing events, as in Egypt and Tunisia, as cinema is an important cultural discourse and has a dangerous role, and that is why the Gulf countries must support and nurture it.

Modern technologies are a double-edged sword that threatens the continuation of the film industry in its traditional form.

Access to international festivals requires local film.