Teller Report

China's coronavirus: France confirms two cases and the US two others

1/24/2020, 7:58:03 PM

The French government announced Friday that it has confirmed two cases of the coronavirus of Wuhan (China), in Bordeaux (southwest) and in Paris, which would be the first two detected in E

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The French government announced Friday that it has confirmed two cases of the coronavirus of Wuhan (China), in Bordeaux (southwest) and in Paris , which would be the first two detected in Europe .

The French Minister of Health, Agnès Buzyn, explained that the first case is a patient of Bordeaux of Chinese origin and 48 years old, who recently traveled to Wuham for professional matters, while the second patient only said that he is in isolation in Parisian hospital Bichat, reports Efe.

In the US, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed on Friday a second US case of China's new coronavirus in a woman from Chicago. In addition, they have ensured that up to 63 potential cases are being investigated, as the sometimes fatal disease continues to spread throughout the country. This 60-year-old woman from Chicago traveled to Wuhan in December and returned on January 13.

Chinese coronavirus virus

Of the 63 people under investigation from 22 states, 11 have been negative so far, the CDC has explained in a conference call with journalists. The news of the woman in Chicago infected with the virus that originated in Wuhan, China, followed the announcement earlier this week of a man from Washington state who was diagnosed with the virus after returning from Wuhan.

The newly discovered virus has killed 26 people and infected more than 800. The majority of cases and all deaths so far have been in China, where officials have imposed severe restrictions on travel and public gatherings.

The virus has created the alarm, but there are still many unknowns that surround it, how dangerous it is and how easily it spreads among people. It can cause pneumonia, which has been fatal in some cases.

Dr. Allison Arwady, commissioner of the Chicago Department of Public Health, said in a conference call that the woman is in stable condition and remains in an unidentified Chicago hospital primarily for infection control purposes. The woman had not taken public transportation and was not sick when she traveled, Arwady said.

A few days after arriving home, the patient began to feel bad and called ahead to alert her doctor about her illness. The doctor asked about her travel history, quickly put a mask on the patient and directed her to a hospital with infection control capability, Arwady said.

Hospital staff performed a complete clinical examination and worked with public health officials to organize tests for the new coronavirus in the CDC.

The CDC has said it believes the immediate threat is low, but has added that there are likely to be more patients under investigation in the coming days. The World Health Organization said Thursday that the virus is an "emergency in China", but failed to declare it a global health emergency.

The coronavirus in the world

The French Minister of Health, Agnès Buzyn, confirmed on Friday two cases in France, the first in Europe. These are the affected countries:

CHINA. Some 830 contaminated people of which 26 died. 177 are in serious condition.

HONG KONG .- Two people who were recently in Wuhan tested positive

MACAO .- There are two confirmed cases so far. The first was that of a 52-year-old businesswoman who arrived three days earlier by train from the neighboring city of Zhuhai.

U.S. - Two confirmed cases.

A sexagenaria who returned from Wuhan on January 13 and resides in Chicago and a man in his 30s in Seattle who was also in that region. There are 50 more cases under investigation.

JAPAN.- Two cases. A man in his 30s who had spent a few days in Wuhan and another in his 40s from Wuhan, who was traveling to Japan.

SINGAPORE.- You have three confirmed cases.


So far there are two confirmed cases, both from Wuhan.

TAIWAN.- A case, a woman from Wuhan, where she lives.

THAILAND .- The first case of coronavirus contamination outside China was recorded in Thailand on January 8. In total, Thailand has confirmed four cases of coronaviruses, three of them in Wuhan Chinese citizens.

VIETNAM.- Two Chinese, a man who arrived on January 13 from Wuhan and his son, a resident of the city of Ho Chi Minh, in southern Vietnam, were hospitalized on January 17 and 18.

NEPAL.- A first case was announced this Friday in Nepal, the first in South Asia. This is a student who returned on January 9 from Wuhan.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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