Teller Report

A conventional collective break envisaged at Radio France

1/24/2020, 11:40:37 AM

Sibyle Veil announced Thursday the preparation of this collective conventional break in a letter sent to all employees of Radio France

Radio France illustration. - LODI Franck / SIPA

The president of Radio France indicated Thursday that she was preparing the suspension of the plan for voluntary departures from public radio to replace it with an alternative and negotiated procedure, the collective agreement breach.

After 52 days of jagged strike, Sibyle Veil announced Thursday the preparation of this collective conventional break in a letter sent to all employees of Radio France. All the representative unions had proposed this measure during the negotiations, except the CGT.

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"The management has prepared an agreement which suspends the voluntary departure plan while negotiating a collective agreement rupture" (RCC), said Sibyle Veil. The unions are still asking, above all, to negotiate a reduction in the number of job cuts. The plan presented by the management of Radio France provides for 60 million euros in savings and 299 job cuts (with 76 job creations in parallel).

The CGT also renewed the strike on Thursday until Monday, January 27. Several demonstrators of the group protested in the afternoon at an event where the Minister of Culture Franck Riester inaugurated a statue. In the summer, employee representatives had already refused this RCC, and management had then launched a voluntary departure plan, which does not require their agreement.

Negotiations are scheduled to continue on Friday. If no agreement around an RCC is found, the management of Radio France may revert to the formula of the voluntary departure plan. "So much time wasted!" "Exclaimed the SNJ in a press release. “The CEO tells us - between the lines - that she has finally decided that Radio France could negotiate (…) Opening a negotiation requires that we want to complete it. And this requires a significant reduction in the number of positions cut. ”

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The collective agreement rupture in its current form, resulting from the reform of the Labor Code of 2017, allows a company to separate from a large number of employees, on a voluntary basis, by negotiating with its unions the conditions of departures (allowances, reclassification measures, etc.). The agreement must be majority and approved by the administration. Sybile Veil said that it was "favorable because it [not only] enables them to encourage retirements from the total number of voluntary departures to be made, but also to continue to recruit".

The Minister of Culture Franck Riester renewed his support by repeating that, "in a context of general budgetary effort", the "effort requested from the public audiovisual sector was sustainable", in an interview published in Liberation Thursday. The strike movement at Radio France has experienced variable participation rates, but overall in decline since the start of the movement on November 25, 2019. But the disturbances continue regularly on the group's channels.


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  • Employment
  • Strike
  • Radio France
  • Culture
  • Minister of Culture