Teller Report

Ábalos denies that he met Maduro's 'number two' and says he only went to Barajas to pick up another Chavista minister

1/23/2020, 11:01:08 PM

Last Monday a strange story took place that throughout this Thursday has given rise to all kinds of interpretations. The Minister of Development of Pedro Sánchez, José Luis Ábalos,

Last Monday a strange story took place that throughout this Thursday has given rise to all kinds of interpretations. The Minister of Public Works of Pedro Sánchez, José Luis Ábalos, went to Barajas Airport on Sunday night, just as the private plane arrived, from which Nicolás Maduro Vice President Delcy Rodríguez traveled from Caracas to Madrid.

Ábalos says, according to sources in his environment to EL MUNDO, that he went privately to find a friend of his, who is Maduro's tourism minister, Felix Plasencia. But the Chavista representative arrived in Madrid on the same plane as Delcy Rodríguez, the vice president of the Venezuelan dictatorship.

The minister's environment adds that he did not even see Delcy Rodriguez. And that it did not get off the plane, at least while Ábalos was in Barajas and according to his version. The vice president cannot enter Spain because it imposes sanctions on the European Union that prevent her from stepping on the land of the 28.

The private flight that brought the two leaders had to continue afterwards trip to Turkey, where she has made an official visit this week.

Subsequently, Ábalos received Felix Plasencia from the Ministry. But this meeting did not have any publicity, nor did it appear in the forecasts of the Government of the day. Development sources admitted the meeting and added that both leaders spoke of "air transport", which falls within the powers of Plasencia.

They also alleged that it was not a "secret meeting", even if it did not appear on the minister's public agenda.

Sources close to Ábalos added that the minister and number three of the PSOE has met on several occasions with the ambassador of Juan Guaidó in Spain. And with more representatives of the president in charge, recognized by Spain for a year. In addition, he has spoken on the phone twice with Guaido himself.

All this accumulation of information, which has been accumulating throughout the day, have led the PP and Citizens to request the urgent appearance of the minister in Congress to explain if he met with Rodriguez. As the Vozpopuli digital newspaper said, that meeting could have taken place inside the plane, an end that the minister strongly denies.

On Twitter, the leader of the PP, Pablo Casado, said that "Sanchez must explain if his Minister of Development met with the vice president of Maduro, when he is prohibited from stepping on European soil for his participation in the repression and corruption of the Venezuelan dictatorship. If confirmed we will denounce this violation of EU rules. "

The deputy spokesman of the PP in the Congress José Ignacio Echániz, has also asked for explanations from the Foreign Minister, Arancha González Laya, because it is a "scandal", even more when Sanchez is not going to meet with the president in charge of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, who will arrive in Madrid on Saturday.

"If this news is confirmed we would be facing an extremely serious situation that would flagrantly violate the rules of the European Union," said Echániz, stressing that the PP will reach "until the end" of this issue to know, in other matters, who authorized the Landing in Barajas of the plane carrying the Venezuelan vice president.

Citizens has also announced that it will add to this request. As explained by his deputy spokesman in Congress, Edmundo Bal, Cs demands the "immediate" appearance of Ábalos also for this possible meeting.

According to the flight plan of the Venezuelan Vice President's plane, to which this newspaper has had access, the plane landed in Barajas at 12:12 p.m. and Monday, but did not leave for Turkey, where it was to continue travel, until 2:00 p.m. 42 hours, more than 14 hours later. In all that time, Delcy Rodríguez did not enter Spanish soil, sources from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said to this newspaper, which, if so, would not have left the international area of ​​the Barajas airport.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • PP
  • Madrid
  • Spain
  • Citizens
  • European Union
  • Juan Guaidó
  • Venezuela
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Pablo Casado
  • PSOE
  • Arancha González Laya
  • Nicolás Maduro
  • José Luis Ábalos
  • Edmundo Bal

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