Teller Report

Sea Sheperd denounces the butchering of a dolphin by fishermen

1/22/2020, 10:01:25 AM

The video was released on social media on Sunday after the discovery of two skinned dolphins on a beach in Finistère

A dolphin (illustration). - James West / Cover Images / SIPA

A video "particularly shocking" according to the Ministry of Ecological Transition. On Sunday, the NGO Sea Sheperd published a video on social networks showing French fishermen butchering a dolphin. We see two individuals cutting a dolphin aboard a boat to sample its meat, while joking in French about the opportunity to eat "a good steak".

Dolphin steak "Made In France": Sea Shepherd unveils a practice little known to the general public. #SeaShepherd #DefendreLOcean

- Sea Shepherd France (@SeaShepherdFran) January 19, 2020

This video was recovered by the NGO in 2019, explains Lamya Essemlali, president of Sea Shepherd France. She would have been filmed “three or four years ago”, according to her. Sea Shepherd decided to broadcast it after discovering two skinned dolphins on La Torche beach (Finistère) in mid-January, she continued.

The dolphin stung with garlic. You know ? A recipe made in France that circulates in the fishing industry ... This one found yesterday on the beach of La Torche in Brittany has probably finished cooked like that. #OpDolphinByCatch #OnMangeDuDauphinEnFrance

- Sea Shepherd France (@SeaShepherdFran) January 13, 2020

"It happens, even if it is not common" to find corpses of dolphins cut up for consumption, says Hélène Peltier, biologist at the Pelagis public observatory. Between November and January, three cases were identified, she said. "This practice existed before the species was protected" in the early 1970s and it persists in some cases, the biologist continued on the basis of testimony.

An investigation will be opened

The National Committee for Marine Fisheries and Marine Farming immediately reacted, condemning "with the greatest firmness the content of the video", and alerted the Directorate of Marine Fisheries (DPMA) to "that an investigation be quickly opened" .

The Minister for the Ecological Transition, in conjunction with that of Agriculture, will also analyze this video, "in particular the date on which it was filmed, the flag of the vessel and the nationality of the fishermen, in order to prosecute ".


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  • Animal protection
  • Planet
  • Peach
  • Animal cruelty
  • Dolphin