Teller Report

How are financial resources managed at Emirates University ?!

1/22/2020, 10:13:38 PM

There are two main sources of the UAE University budget: the first source consists of the federal state allocations, and the second source is external support funds, which is a financial source estimated at millions of dirhams that are included in the university’s budget from different places, including - for example - the institutions

There are two main sources of the UAE University budget: The first source consists of the federal state allocations, and the second source is external support funds, which is a financial source estimated at millions of dirhams that enter the university’s budget from different places, including - for example - government and private institutions, and centers Funding and supporting research, with the aim of supporting the university’s scientific fields, such as scientific research, the scientific and technical structure, from updating scientific laboratories, external partnerships of student delegations, and external courses, and supporting university professors ’participation in international forums of a scientific nature.

The logical question here is: How are the external support budget lines managed? How is it employed to serve the university's strategic goals, especially as it is not subject to the control of the Court of Auditors?

Certainly there is no doubting anyone, but it is necessary to know the method of controlling the disbursement of these funds, and the financing process. For example, we note that there is a severe weakness in one of the vital fields which is one of the most important basic functions of universities, and I mean here the field of scientific research.

It is well known that, without scientific research, the university becomes a mere educational school for science and knowledge produced by others, and not a center for scientific creativity and knowledge development, enrichment and dissemination.

It is also known that universities are part of society, and they are interested in using their capabilities to seek to solve the various problems that society faces.

Therefore, we have the right to ask: How is the external financing budget distributed? Who benefits from it? How is it managed? What is the size of financial waste from it? And how does scientific research benefit from it?

The weakness of scientific research is not due to a lack of financial allocations, who thinks that is wrong, because every year there is a special budget for research within the university’s budget, and it is never small, but exceeded 50 million dirhams for the past year, and there are similar amounts allocated to research in every university year, This figure is certainly not simple, but rather reflects the federal government's awareness of the importance of this aspect and its effective role, but if the sums are divided on the research outputs, we will inevitably face a dilemma in accepting these outputs, so it is unfortunate that these funds go to other places if they do not find their way to research.

The problem is not financial at all, but the real problem in managing these financial allocations, and the biggest problem in administrative thought, and the quality of management, because successful management is definitely not related to the number of years, and is not related to a specific age, nor is it screaming, strictness of opinion, and the marginalization of work teams And not by imposing plans from above, but by encouraging talents, strengthening work teams, and most importantly creating a comfortable work environment, based on respect, equality and justice, if these matters exist, the administration is good, and administrative thought is correct, and if you are absent, do not look for development, improvement, and “transformation »To Never Better!

Research is important in all universities of the countries of the world, except here at the Emirates University. For example, there are health, social and economic research in the universities of Oxford, Dallas, and Harvard, which are transmitted by the world, and they become a scientific reference documented by the official authorities, so why not be such universities? Do we not have the right to compare ourselves with these advanced universities? Whoever wants to transform into a prestigious international university should not destroy previous achievements to start anew, it is indeed an old management thought! The most important question remains: Where is the Court of Accounting from reviewing the university’s budget, both governmental and external?

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