Teller Report

After the injury - Thorn aims at the World Cup in Falun

1/22/2020, 4:10:42 PM

Viktor Thorn has missed the start of the World Cup after double hernia surgery. The 23-year-old is now aiming for an early comeback to the WC competitions in Falun in early February. - I will be running the Swedish Cup this weekend so I hope to be able to perform well enough to be selected for the squad for the World Cup in Falun, says Thorn to SVT Sport.

During a season where the Swedish riders have mixed and given their efforts, the national team now looks to bring back 23-year-old Viktor Thorn. Thorn had a tough preseason that suffered from two separate disc hernias that forced the skier to double operations.

Now the rehab process has started and just over two weeks ago Thorn was back in the ski track for the first time. The 23-year-old is now investing in the Swedish squad for the WC competitions in Falun 8-9 February.

- I will be running the Swedish Cup this weekend so I hope to be able to perform well enough to be selected for the squad for the World Cup in Falun, says Thorn to SVT Sport. '

Aim for early comeback

Thorn told SVT Sport a few weeks ago that he was making a comeback in the competitions in Ă–stersund the week after Falun.

- It's pretty good I feel. I hope it will continue, it has felt better and better every weekend and that I should be able to be back to the World Cup competitions in Falun, Thorn tells SVT Sport.

No noticeable deterioration in the riding has not noticed the national team skater.

- I think I can get what I have in my body so I hope to be able to ride well, says Thorn and continues:

- I've been training four months less than everyone else. It will not go as well as I would if I had been training all year, but I am happy to just be able to compete.

ARCHIVE: Jens Burman fell in new heavy Swedish day (January 19)

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Jens Burman fell into a new heavy Swedish day