Teller Report

“#Trahie” on the web, she discovers a very real hell

1/22/2020, 9:25:13 AM

Louison Nielman's “#Trahie” appeared on January 9, 2020 at Scrinéo

#Trahie - Scrinéo

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Anne-So Echos de Mots, youth literary blogger and contributor to the reading group "20 Minutes Books", recommends #Trahie by Louison Nielman, published on January 9, 2020 by Éditions Scrinéo

His favorite quote:

If she hadn't gone to this party, if she hadn't slept there ... With all these so in loop, she ruminates. If she could erase everything ... How to overcome this? Regain dignity?

Why this book?

  • Because #Trahie is a poignant youth novel on the notions of consent, image damage and harassment. Apolline is 14 years old and she is terribly in love with the beautiful and sweet Aurian. When the latter takes a photo of herself without his consent and shares this moment of intimacy, the girl then becomes aware of the violence which others can demonstrate and the impact that their words and looks can have on her life. .
  • Because the story of Apolline is that of many others from the past and others to come. This novel can help young people understand where the limits are, what to do when they are crossed and, better still, they can help them learn to protect themselves and open up a dialogue. It would, in my opinion, make a very intelligent reading to add to school programs. At the end of the book, the reader can find a list of useful numbers to contact for those who, unfortunately, recognize themselves in heroin.
  • Because Apolline is terribly touching and the reader can only feel compassion for this young girl for whom first love rhymes with betrayal and broken heart. However - and this is also the strength of this novel - nothing is all white or all black. So, as in life outside the pages of our books, the culprit is not necessarily that big bad that we all want to hate. He can also be a teenager with little information and easily manipulated by his peers who is not fully aware of the seriousness of his actions.
  • Because virtual harassment is a phenomenon that continues to grow. #Trahie poses words and emotions on acts committed sometimes without thinking and which seem, at the moment, to have an impact only in an infinite world of 1 and 0. This committed novel is to be put between all children's hands whether they are directly involved as victims or executioners or whether they are mere passive and inactive spectators.
  • Because Louison Nielman offers us a short youth novel of great quality to open our children's eyes to cyberbullying. Her pen is fair and accessible and her experiences as a college professor and clinical psychologist have allowed her to give real psychological depth to Apolline and to be always just in words as in the emotions given to her characters. She knows the youth and knows exactly how to address her.

The essential in 2 minutes

The plot. At 14, Apolline did not think that Aurian could notice her, and yet… Since that famous evening, her heart is dancing in the arms of the high school student. But when Aurian goes too far, love shatters. Betrayed, the teenager experienced a real descent into hell, no longer knowing who to turn to.

Characters. Apolline is a 14-year-old schoolgirl who falls in love for the first time. She is a memory of adult readers, she is our daughters, our cousins ​​or our sisters; she is a teenager like the others and it is one of the great strengths of this novel.

Places. The story takes place in France; from college to home, from "real" life to virtual life.

The time. The novel takes place nowadays.

The author. Louison Nielman is a French author, former college professor and now a clinical psychologist.

This book was read with pleasure by Anne-So Echos de Mots, blogger specializing in children's and teenage literature. “For me, reading can be as much a personal pleasure in which one runs to take refuge as an excuse to exchange and meet other readers. I am a lover of words always interested in new discoveries. "

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  • Cyber ​​harassment
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