Teller Report

Sick Peterson also out of the singles tournament

1/21/2020, 5:28:07 AM

Back problems and sickness. With that charge, Rebecca Peterson couldn't do herself justice in the Australian Open. - Now I try to get well, that's probably the first goal, she says after the loss against Slovenian Polona Hercog.

After seeing their opening match in the Australian Open rain on opening day, it was finally time for Rebecca Peterson to meet Polona Hercog on Tuesday.

But despite the sun shining over Melbourne, it was no fun day for Peterson, who fell 3-6, 3-6 against the Slovenian. After the match, the explanation came that she did not manage to pursue the fine situations she created several times in Slovenian games.

- I've been sick for a few days now, and I feel I couldn't give the maximum out of what I have, says an obviously snotty Peterson.

- I have a virus, but I don't know exactly what it is. I tested myself over the weekend.

Did you feel the back problems from last week?

- No, nothing at all. But I'm still glad I could play, given last week's problems. But now it's just to look ahead and try to forget this match as quickly as possible.

"As always when you are sick"

The match, which was to be played on an outer court on Monday, was moved to Tuesday morning - and to the Melbourne arena, the third largest of the tournament, where a sliding roof could secure play even in the event of precipitation. But the sun was shining over the players, who dared to be near breakthroughs in each other's services.

But where Peterson did not manage to finish, Hercog showed the strength that became crucial. Peterson's only serve breakthrough in the match came at 1-5 in the second set and the duel in practice was already decided.

- It was as always when you are sick. But I do not want to sit here and say that I was sick and that is why I lost.

Can you bring something positive from the game?

- The positive is that I have managed to find ways to prepare as best I could from the conditions I had. This happens and there's not much to do about it.

Liked the Swedish support

Peterson says the rain outage did not affect the outcome of the match, but the larger stage gave a small kick anyway.

- I felt the same yesterday, but on the whole it was probably good to have another day. And it was great fun to play out there on the big arena and I really appreciate everyone who came and cheered on me. It means a lot.

With the loss, both Swedes are eliminated from the women's singles tournament. On Monday, Johanna Larsson lost in two straight sets against Spanish Paula Badosa. Later this week, they will try to take revenge in the double, where they form couples and meet Jaimee Fourlis and Arina Rodionova.

- Yes, exactly, Peterson says, and at least gets a little smile.