Teller Report

Sandrine Bonnaire on edge in “K Contraire”

1/21/2020, 4:10:01 PM

The actress delivers an extraordinary performance against the young Sandor Funtek in "K Contraire" in theaters this Wednesday

Sandrine Bonnaire and Sandor Funtek in Sarah Kx's “K Contraire” - Les Valseurs

  • "K Contraire" evokes the reports of a depressed mother and her son, a drug dealer and the accused.
  • This production of the group La Rumeur allows Sandrine Bonnaire and Sandor Funtek to give the best of themselves.
  • Director Sarah Marx applied her working method on music videos to this first feature film.

When Sarah Marx's hero of K Contrair e comes out of prison, he has to manage his reintegration and take care of his mother suffering from severe depression. Sandrine Bonnaire is overwhelming in the role of this hypersensitive woman.

"We decided that Gabrielle's depression would sometimes not be seen, because it is often shameful to be depressed," says the actress on Europe 1 . Her character constantly surprises by her mood swings that make this mom go from laughter to tears in the twinkling of an eye.

Mother and son in turmoil

Faced with the actress, who is always astonishingly close, we can recognize Sandor Funtek, discovered in The Last Parisians by Ekoué and Hamé who produced K Contraire under the label of their group La Rumeur. The head to head between the two actors, mother and son fused and antagonistic in the film, are impressive. "She is both a woman who hides when she is in public and who spins when she is alone or in front of her son," specifies Sandrine Bonnaire.

The "K" of "K opposite"

The latter embarks on a trade in ketamine, a recreational drug which can also be used as an antidepressant. The relationship between the two heroes revolves both around the disease and this powerful drug. Sarah Marx orchestrates her film as she did when she directed video clips for La Rumeur. “On the contrary, K approaches hip-hop both by its flow and by the energy of the characters on the screen. My working method allows happy accidents to happen, ”she tells Cineuropa. The quality of its leadership as an actor cannot be described as accidental.


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