Teller Report

Ingrosso's makeup advertising does not change despite three precipices

1/21/2020, 2:52:07 PM

During the fall, Bianca Ingrosso's cosmetics company Caia cosmetics was dropped three times by the Advertising Ombudsman (RO) for being sexist. Despite this, the influencer refuses to withdraw or apologize for the advertisement on the grounds that no one should judge young women's ways of expressing themselves. - Of course, it is unfortunate if she chooses not to follow our assessment, says Elisabeth Trotzig of the Advertising Ombudsman.

The three cases relate to two different images as well as a commercial that has been published on the company's Facebook page. In the commercial, a woman is seen licking a candy club while looking into the camera.

In another scene, a woman drinks milk from a bottle but lets the milk run down her throat and down her chest while she looks at the camera. In the background a song is played where a male singer sings "Give me that".

In one of the assessments, the Advertising Ombudsman (RO) writes that the production of women has no connection to the makeup products that are marketed, and that women are portrayed as "sex objects in a way that is degrading to women in general. Advertising is therefore sex discrimination (...) ”.

Ingrosso does not regret the advertising

But the company does not agree and has stated in statements, among other things, that "women and men should have the right to express themselves as they wish". That the company would stand for sexism, gender discrimination and be abusive of women "should fall on its own unreasonableness" since the company is mainly built by women and the customers are mainly women, they say.

Even Bianca Ingrosso, co-owner and one of the company's founders, has gone out and defended the advertising and said she does not regret it.

- It is me as a young woman who stands behind the campaigns and ideas and also I who stand in front of the camera together with other young women who are always in the notes. I do not understand why young women's way of expressing themselves in pictures and in video should be judged by someone other than ourselves. It is not men behind these campaigns that control and post, I am, she tells Aftonbladet.

RO: There is no knowledge

Advertising ombudsman Elisabeth Trotzig says it is unusual for companies not to comply with RO's assessments and adds that it is not a major problem for RO's legitimacy at large that Caia cosmetics does not seem to care about the precipitates.

- No, I think that the vast majority of players in the market think it is important with the self-regulation that RO constitutes. They want to take ethical responsibility for their advertising because the credibility of consumers is important to the vast majority, she says.

Elisabeth Trotzig adds that in recent years there has been a lack of knowledge on these issues.

- When expressing one's own opinions, freedom is great and constitutionally protected. But when advertising products and services, it is very regulated. I think, after having a lot of contact with influencers and other players in influencer marketing, that there is quite a little knowledge about what is advertising and what is protected by the freedom of expression and expression, ”she says.