Teller Report

Enlarged "chest" in men .. false and real causes and methods of treatment

1/21/2020, 10:19:01 AM

Men's Health magazine reported that chest sagging, or what is known scientifically, gynecomastia in men is divided into two types: false and real, explaining that false gynecomastia means that the enlarged breast consists of fatty tissue due to obesity caused by unhealthy nutrition and lack of movement. As for true gynecomastia, it means

Men's Health magazine reported that sagging chest or what is known scientifically as gynecomastia in men is divided into two types: false and real, explaining that false gynecomastia means that the enlarged breast consists of fatty tissue due to obesity caused by unhealthy nutrition and lack of movement.

As for real gynecomastia, it means breast enlargement due to enlarged gland tissue, which is often due to a hormonal change, i.e. a decrease in the male hormone "testosterone" and an increase in the female hormone "estrogen", due to estrogen-containing drugs or substances that help build muscle.

Real gynecomastia may also indicate a malignant tumor or cancer, especially if it is accompanied by breast pain or if there is a contract or secretions from the nipple.

Therefore, in any case, you should consult a doctor to determine the true cause of gynecomastia and its treatment, by adopting a healthy lifestyle based on healthy nutrition and continued exercise in relation to false gynecomastia or surgery for true gynecomastia.