Teller Report

AUDIO. Clément Domingo, ethical hacker

1/21/2020, 11:31:30 AM

Hacker Podcast January 21, 2020

Illustration of a line of code - Florian Olivo / Unsplash

In “Minute Papillon! »Today, interview with one of the most talented young cybersecurity engineers of his generation, Clément Domingo, alias" SaxX ", member of the" Hexpresso "hacker team.

To listen to this podcast, it's as simple as a click in the player below

In his twenties, based in Rennes, the young man works in an IT security company. In his spare time, he becomes a “bounty hunter”, an “ethical” hacker engaged in “bug bounty” programs.

These programs help large companies detect and correct vulnerabilities before cybercriminals exploit them. For his success, he can receive financial and in-kind rewards.

And when he finds it, the sensation is up to the intensity of the hunt: "It's horny", he tells us in this podcast.

Clement lists three simple tips to implement to avoid hacking. Turn on the sound, you can listen to it by clicking in the player above.

What is the "bug bounty"? Does he qualify as a "hacker"? Does he follow strict rules when looking for a flaw, or does he work on instinct? What actions should you take to avoid being a victim of hacking? These are some of the questions asked in this podcast (17 minutes). For answers, click on the audio player above.

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  • Wait a minute
  • High-Tech
  • 20 Minutes Podcast
  • Business
  • Internet
  • hacker
  • Computer science
  • Podcast