Teller Report

A Syrian youth blows himself and his sweetheart because of her association with someone else

1/21/2020, 12:43:41 PM

A Syrian youth detonated a girl he loved with a hand grenade, which led to their killing together because of her association with a person. "Suwaida 24" reported that the young man was 23 years old, and he detonated himself with a hand grenade, next to the young woman Hanan Abdullah Abu Fakhr, on Monday. , In the province of Els

A Syrian youth detonates a girl he loves with a hand grenade, which causes them to die together because of her association with a person

The network "As-Suwayda 24" reported that the young man, aged 23, had detonated himself with a hand grenade, next to the young woman, Hanan Abdullah Abu Fakhr, on Monday in the southern province of As-Suwayda.

Hanan, 22, was returning from the university when she passed by the house of the young Hafez Nizar Abu Fakhr, who is near her house, to detonate the last grenade he was in possession of.

Hafez had made a engagement to Hanan several times, and he was "rejected."

When the young man learned that his beloved Hanan was about to get engaged to another young man, he decided to carry out his crime, which occurred in the village of Kafr Al-Lahf in the western countryside of Sweida.

The past year had witnessed a similar crime in the endosperm governorate, when a young man named Rami Khaled Hudhayfah detonated a hand grenade inside the home of Walid Sadiq in the town of Kafr.

The young man, who is 19 years old, had offered to marry Baisan, 17, several times, but his request was rejected by the girl's family.

Rami then decided to go to Baisan’s house, entered it, and then detonated a grenade that was in his possession.

After that, Rami and Baysan were transferred to the hospital, and they died as a result of serious injuries they suffered. As for the mother of the girls, she entered with a different wound, and she was transferred to the intensive care department to provide the necessary aid to her.

A man was killed and others injured when a hand grenade exploded in the Al-Jumhuriya neighborhood of Latakia on the Syrian coast in September last year.

Media reported at the time that a fight had occurred between the man and his wife for unclear reasons, which necessitated the intervention of their neighbor to resolve the conflict between them, as the husband opened a bomb and exploded them inside the house.

Official media reports had spoken of the prevalence of emotional crimes and other murders in the Suwayda governorate, and other Syrian governorates, attributing this to the "chaos of arms proliferation" among citizens, in light of the conditions witnessed by the country for nearly 9 years.