Teller Report

6 drinks fight colds and severe coughing

1/21/2020, 12:19:01 PM

Most people complain in the winter of the common cold accompanied by dry and severe coughing due to weather fluctuations, which sometimes necessitates going to the doctor and taking appropriate medications or sometimes relying on medication with herbs that are recommended by doctors and experts, including boiled guava leaves.

Most people complain in the winter of the common cold accompanied by dry and severe coughing due to weather fluctuations, which sometimes requires going to the doctor and taking appropriate medications or sometimes relying on medication with herbs that doctors and experts recommend, including

Boiled guava leaves
Guava leaves contain antibacterial, antifungal, and antifungal agents. Hence, it is an effective beverage for the treatment of coughs and a quick recovery from colds. Especially, which affects the respiratory system.

When ingested, guava leaves expand the airways, improve breathing, and increase oxygen flow to the lungs.

It also works to rid the lung of all toxins in it from nicotine and tar, for smokers. Among the most important benefits of guava leaves, it works to dissolve the mucus attached to the trachea, and a rapid cure of symptoms of cough.

Honey and lemonade
White honey has many important elements for the body, and antioxidants. What works to raise the efficiency of the immune system and cure diseases.

And when you mix honey with a boiled lemon drink, it helps to treat a cough, expel phlegm, and recover from a common cold.

Licorice drink
Licorice is a herbaceous plant that has moisturizing and soothing trachea elements. It reduces the severity of a dry cough, but it should not be used by patients with high blood pressure.

Fresh ginger drink
Ginger is a root plant, which contains many important elements, which treat many diseases, including coughs associated with the common cold.

Numerous research has demonstrated the effectiveness of fresh ginger than dry. The reason is that the fresh, rich in antioxidants, and many other elements, which rid the body of toxins, and treat many respiratory diseases such as asthma, cough, and colds.

Thyme drink

Thyme is rich in vitamins and important elements of the body, such as vitamin A and vitamin C. It helps to recover from colds and get rid of annoying coughing attacks.

Thyme is a natural remedy for bronchitis and respiratory disease, in general, because it contains carvacrol, which acts as an expectorant, and antiseptic for the lungs. Boiled thyme should be eaten twice daily, preferably before bed and sweetened with white honey.

Drink anise
Anise is an aromatic herbal plant, which works as a soothing and soothing cough. It contains many expectorants from the lungs, which contribute to the treatment of colds. It also works to recover from asthma crises.