Teller Report

Iceland gave Sweden a helping hand in the European Championships

1/19/2020, 3:13:06 PM

Portugal is down to earth again in the handball championship. Iceland defeated the Portuguese by 28-25, making Sweden's long road to the semi-finals a bit "easier".

After Portugal's impressive victory against Sweden (35-25) last Friday, there was not at all the same sharpness as the middle round continued with the match against Iceland. It was almost nine minutes before Portugal managed to score its first goal and by then Iceland had already moved to 4-0 and switched grip on the match.

At the beginning of the second half, Portugal used their so successful seven against six games. Subsection 12-14 swung to Portuguese leadership 17-16, but Iceland responded immediately and took command again. Iceland then held off in the end and won by 28-25, following eight goals from Janus Dadi Smarason.

Iceland's victory makes it slightly more likely that Sweden, which is now the group's only zero scorer, will make it to the European semi-finals. But it is with all certainty still required three straight Swedish victories - to begin with against Norway tonight - and help with the results in other matches.