Teller Report

European Rugby Cup LIVE. A quarter-final at home or out? Follow Stade Toulousain - Gloucester live

1/19/2020, 2:40:06 PM

Stade Toulousain receives the English from Gloucester this Sunday during the last day of the Champions Cup group

The center of Stade Toulousain Sofiane Guitoune during the European Cup match in Gloucester, November 15, 2019. - Adrian Dennis / AFP


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TOULOUSAIN STADIUM - GLOUCESTER (kick-off at 4:15 p.m.)

For qualification, it's already good! With five wins in as many days, Stade Toulousain is already guaranteed to play in the quarter-finals of the Champions Cup. It remains to be seen where ... This is the stake of the last group match this Sunday at Ernest-Wallon, against the English of Gloucester. If the result is good, the champions of France will play their home quarter on April 4 or 5. The opportunity to fill the Stadium for something other than a TFC-Marseille ...

  • Toulouse
  • Champions Rugby Cup
  • Toulousain stadium
  • European rugby cup
  • Rugby
  • Sport