Teller Report

Conor McGregor: "The love of sports brought me back"

1/19/2020, 9:16:34 AM

He won the knockout after 40 seconds without being hit once. After the comeback last night, Conor McGregor talked about how he lost motivation - and how he has now regained it. - It was the love of the sport that took me back, he says.

After 15 months of absence, the Irish superstar returned with news last night.

McGregor defeated crowd favorite Donald "Cowboy" Cerrone in just 40 seconds at tonight's big UFC gala in Las Vegas.

At the press conference afterwards, the scandal-ridden McGregor was asked to explain the turbulent years - from 2016 having been champion in two weight classes at the same time to only going one match in the last three years and instead making himself known for dark headlines.

- I had achieved everything, right? I finished the sport before I was even 30 years old. A master belt is hardly enough to motivate me anymore. My coach has said that the worst nightmare for him was when I had achieved everything. The money, the celebrity, the master belts. What was left that could motivate me?

- Now I'm back for the love of the sport and to show how good I can be.

It is stated to earn SEK 750 million

In a lengthy interview with ESPN before the game, McGregor estimated that he would earn $ 80 million (about $ 750 million) when all sums and TV revenues are counted.

But he soon wants to be back in the cage again.

- I am not going to sit and wait for the winner in the lightweight title match on April 18 or take any vacation, but now I will immediately check the calendar and see when I can compete again.

Knocked the record man

The night's opponent, 36-year veteran Donald Cerrone, has multiple UFC records. For example, for most matches (34), most wins (23), most finishes (16), most performance bonuses (18) and most defeats (20).

Against McGregor, he did not get a single hit.

- What a phenomenal career he has had. It was an honor to share the ring with him. Donald is up there with the very best and has so many records that he should get some kind of master belt, says the Irishman.