Teller Report

The Pushkin Museum appreciated the statement of Poland on the rights to a number of works of art in Russia

1/18/2020, 8:37:05 PM

Irina Antonova, President of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, praised Poland’s claim for a number of works of art in Russia.

It is reported by the NSN.

“I have not heard of any claims of Poland to Russia regarding the heritage that it allegedly lost. I don’t know this, ”said Antonova.

According to her, in case of complaints from Warsaw, a reliable address should be received, which particular painting and which author from which Polish museum disappeared and in which Russian museum, according to Poland, it ended up.

“So far, the rights of Poland to paintings in Russia have been declared absolutely unfounded. This statement is intended for people who do not understand the intricacies. Of course, Warsaw must provide evidence of loss. Where did the Poles get this from? Have they made inquiries to Russia before? They were refused? ”Said Antonova.

As the expert added, if Poland has any information, then it should make an appropriate request with exhaustive data to the Russian Ministry of Culture or the Russian government, and then say something.

The Polish Foreign Ministry claims that among such works of art are Madonna Glogovskaya by Lucas Cranach, Sr., Girl with a Dove by Antoine Pan, Bird Courtyard by Daniel Schulz, and Forest Landscape by Jan Brueghel, Sr.

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