Teller Report

The Israeli occupation floods the Palestinian lands east of Gaza

1/18/2020, 10:05:31 PM

Yesterday, the Israeli occupation authorities flooded the lands of Palestinian farmers east of Gaza City, after opening dams that collect rainwater in the east of the city. The Palestinian Ministry of Agriculture, in a statement, stated that the occupation had opened the dams and ferries of rainwater east of Gaza City, for the third time

Yesterday, the Israeli occupation authorities flooded the Palestinian farmers' lands east of Gaza City, after they opened dams that collect rainwater east of the city.

The Palestinian Ministry of Agriculture stated, in a statement, that the occupation of dams and rainwater ferries was opened in eastern Gaza City, for the third time in a week.

A week ago, the Ministry of Agriculture said that the occupation forces deliberately opened dams that collect rainwater toward farmers ’lands east of the Shejaiya neighborhood, east of Gaza, planted with various agricultural crops.

The opening of the occupation to the dams of rain water causes great losses to farmers' lands, as a result of being flooded.

On the other hand, the occupation forces arrested yesterday afternoon, a Palestinian woman, from the section of Al-Amoud in occupied Jerusalem, for allegedly trying to carry out a stabbing operation.

Jerusalem witnesses said that the Israeli soldiers beat the woman and threw her to the ground, at the observation room in Bab Al-Amoud, before arresting her and transferring her to an investigation center.

The Israeli occupation police claimed, in a statement, that the Palestinian woman, whose name was not revealed, tried to stab a police officer before arresting her.

She added that an Israeli policeman was lightly wounded in the head, while he was moving to arrest the Palestinian woman.

Whereas, witnesses indicated that the occupation police closed the Bab Al-Amoud area in front of the Palestinian citizens movement, for a period of time, immediately after the accident.

It is noteworthy that the Israeli police have deployed heavily for years in the area of ​​Bab Al-Amoud, where they stop Palestinians and subject them to provocative searches.

The column witnessed the martyrdom of many Palestinians, in the past years, by the occupation authorities, for allegedly carrying out stabbings or stabbing attempts.

On the other hand, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, UNRWA, warned of attempts by the Israeli occupation to get the agency out of Jerusalem.

“These attempts are continuing, and finally culminated in a plan that will be implemented soon by starting construction of a school complex near Shuafat camp, to encourage families to register their children in the schools of the municipality of occupation in Jerusalem, in an attempt to dry up UNRWA schools,” said Sami Mushasha, a UNRWA spokesman. And then work to get the agency out of Jerusalem, and attempts are continuing.

Mushasha added, in statements, that "UNRWA" faces these attempts by strengthening the presence in Jerusalem, warning that the most dangerous thing is that the Israeli side is working with European parliaments in order not to allocate funds to the agency, and this is very dangerous because it will affect the agency's regular and emergency operations in the five areas. It would put her in a very awkward position.

On the possibility of European parliaments responding to Israeli attempts, Mushashaa clarified that there are new groups that have entered European parliaments and parliaments of member states of the Union, and there are right-wing and populist parties, and these parties are easy to influence in this regard.

Mushasha said that the presence of voices inside Europe calling for non-renewal of support for the agency, even if it was a few, is a matter of concern, because the European Union until the moment is the largest donor to the agency and its member states are very influential in supporting the agency.

- UNRWA warns of the Israeli occupation's attempts to remove it from Jerusalem.