Teller Report

Massive rejection of the south of Alicante to the linguistic imposition of the Government of Ximo Puig

1/18/2020, 7:37:00 PM

It did not accompany time or time. But nobody remembers such a massive demonstration in Orihuela that it has congregated this afternoon. Not even the historical claims

It did not accompany time or time. But nobody remembers such a massive demonstration in Orihuela that it has congregated this afternoon. Not even the historical claims for Segura or when people took to the streets after the murder of Miguel Ángel Blanco at the hands of ETA. 20,000 people, according to the organization, and 17,000 people arrived from the 27 municipalities of the region cried out against the imposition, from next year, of Valencian in 25% of the core subjects of Secondary, Baccalaureate and FP. Because it is a region recognized by eminently Spanish- speaking law and, therefore, exempt for almost 40 years of studying the co-official language , in which students will have the obligation to teach mathematics or chemistry in Valencian even if they have never studied it or Do not understand.

You could read everything between the banners. From a "I am Valencian and I speak in Spanish" to a "Marzà, sit and talk", through "the languages ​​are of their speakers, not of the politicians" or "freedom to study in our mother tongue". Even with the sense of humor of La Vega, a "boyfriend in Benicarló" or soflamas shouted "Illa, illa, illa, I registered in Abanilla", referring to the neighboring municipality of Murcia.

The organizers had to read the manifesto twice because one hour after the departure people were still arriving at the Town Hall square wanting to claim the right of parents to choose the vehicle language of their children despite the fact that the regional secretary of Education, Miquel Soler (PSOE) has spent the last few days doing a 'tourne' around the area to explain that no law will be changed, regardless of the people who supported the protest. In this manifesto even the Spanish Constitution referred to the UN Charter of Human Rights: "Parents will have the preferential right to choose the type of education to be given to their children."

The protest is not going to stay here. The success of the call prompted the organizers to announce new protests in the three provincial capitals of the Community so that the application of the Botanic Plurilingualism Law was paralyzed until a new law was agreed "among all". A law that allows the effective knowledge of Spanish, Valencian and English, with a teacher with sufficient training and that gives equal opportunities.

The mayor of Orihuela, Emilio Bascuñana (PP) demanded before the start of the march to the president of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig , to force Soler to retract in his provocations the citizens of the Vega Baja because "the politicians are here to give solutions , not to generate problems. "

It was the first political declaration of an extensive representation of local, provincial popular leaders, such as the president of the Diputación, Carlos Mazón ; regional, such as regional president Isabel Bonig ; or even nationals such as the National Deputy Secretary of Social Policy, Cuca Gamarra .

Bonig said that he is waiting to be called on Monday by Puig "to agree on a new law" after the "massive response" that has been given in Orihuela. "I reach out again so that between PP and PSPV we will agree on a law that respects that freedom of choice. We are willing to help you establish a plan to promote voluntary Valencian in the Spanish-speaking areas because we do not give up speaking Valencian and do not resign to speak Spanish, "he added.

Also the spokesman of Cs in the Valencian Courts, Toni Cantó , assured in the march to have gone to Orihuela to "defend the freedom of election of the parents and the fulfillment of the law that says that in the Vega, as in other places of exemption linguistics, those who decide not to study the subject of Valencian should also have the right to be able to study science or mathematics in Spanish and not in Valencian as Mr. Marzà obliges them ".

In fact, he announced that they will denounce this breach in the European Union because Article 6 of the European Rights Charter guarantees "that freedom to communicate with each other and educate our children in the language we want."

Also the national deputy Marta Martín (Cs), said that Minister Celaá "who is so worried about freedoms, I hope she denounces all the abuses that are being done with indoctrination in the Valencian Community and of which there is plenty of documentation kept in the drawers of the Ministry. I ask you to take to the courts the violation of the fundamental rights of Valencian children. "

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Citizens
  • Toni sang
  • European Union
  • Ximo Puig
  • Alicante
  • Valencian Community
  • ETA
  • Isabel Bonig
  • Murcia
  • Parot doctrine

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