Teller Report

Buckingham Palace Announcement: Harry and Meghan will no longer be Royal Heights

1/18/2020, 7:10:05 PM

Since spring neither obligations nor more public funds. They will reimburse the 2.4 million used to renovate the house in Berkshire

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January 18, 2020

Prince Harry and wife Meghan Markle will no longer be able to use their royal heights titles and will no longer receive real funds. Buckingham Palace reports it.

The couple announces - in a statement released at the end of the negotiation with the Royal House on their future role - that they will reimburse the 2.4 million pounds, taxpayer money, spent on the renovation of their home in Berkshire, Frogmore House. "The new model will go into effect in the spring of 2020."

Harry and Meghan's gadgets are already on sale in Canada
The Celtic Treasure Chest, a sought after British and Irish shop in Vancouver, Canada, sells the gadgets of Harry and Meghan's wedding and is ready to sell new ones, if they arrive, but above all to offer hospitality to the two former royals. The owner Stephen Coulson: "What I think of Harry and Meghan who will be able to move to Canada or British Columbia, I think it's their business. It doesn't particularly strike me, unless they come to the shop, which would be great for my business. ". "If there is anything to commemorate the move to Vancouver or Vancouver Island, we will definitely try to offer this type of thing - he added, ironically - If they need a place to stay, I have a big enough house. It may not be at their height ".