Teller Report

Advance Serie A, Napoli-Fiorentina 0-2

1/18/2020, 9:58:05 PM

22.40 Third defeat in a row for Napoli who gives San Paolo to Fiorentina: 0-2. Good start for the viola passing by at 26 ': from Castrovilli to Benassi who' tames' for the Church, a left and right stop learnable. Ospina saves on a close header from Chiesa and Benassi. Among the Neapolitan chance for Callejon that Dragowski 'grace' from two steps.In the second half we try immediately Insigne, pole. Then great play on the Castrovilli-Chiesa axis, Ospina avoids the 0-2 Doubling, which however arrives in the 74th minute with a splendid left round by Vlahovic,


January 18, 2020 22:40 Third defeat in a row for Napoli who gives San Paolo to Fiorentina: 0-2. Good start for the viola passing by at 26 ': from Castrovilli to Benassi who' tames' for the Church, a left and right stop learnable. Ospina saves on a close header from Chiesa and Benassi. Among the Neapolitan chance for Callejon that Dragowski 'grace' from two steps.In the second half we try immediately Insigne, pole. Then great play on the Castrovilli-Chiesa axis, Ospina avoids the 0-2 Doubling, which however arrives in the 74th minute with a splendid left round by Vlahovic,

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