Teller Report

Vranje's Slovenia steams in the handball championship

1/17/2020, 7:42:59 PM

Ljubomir Vranje's Slovenia remains unbeaten in the European Championships. In the first match of the main round, the team took their fourth straight victory after 30-27 against Iceland and tie a grip on one of the two semi-final places. - The players make a really good match, says Vranjes to SVT Sport.

Slovenia continues to perform strongly in the European Championships. When the main round started in Malmö, Slovenia was first out. Vranje's team took a steady victory, 30-27 against Iceland.

- There were two good points today. The players make a really good match. It is worn in some quarters and edges, but it is a tournament and then it is, says Vranjes to SVT Sport.

Big star Dean Bombac rested in the last group game against Switzerland and came rested to the meeting with Iceland. And it was noticeable. The creative mid-ninja accounted for a lot of speed in the Slovenian offensive game and eventually scored nine goals on eleven shots.

Slovenia, which won Sweden's group and brought two points into the main round, has thus created a golden position to reach the semi-finals. However, Vranjes takes nothing for granted.

- We fight and take one match at a time. Everyone can beat everyone here and there are many good teams involved. Now we go home and rest. The players should get their treatment and sleep, then we will look at the match against Hungary after that.