Teller Report

Sources for SVT Sport: Chaos and crisis meeting in the ski association

1/17/2020, 2:06:59 PM

There were big headlines this fall when Jonas Peterson got fired after only four months as national team manager. Now it is storming again in the long association. According to several sources for SVT Sport, a crisis meeting has been held as there is a great dissatisfaction with how the federal director Ola Strömberg handled the recruitment of the new head of length.

There is chaos in the ski association, according to most sources for SVT Sport.

One of the reasons should be the handling of the recruitment of a new length manager. Among other things, SVT Sport can reveal that formerly fired national captain Rikard Grip's name has come up in connection with the recruitment.

According to sources for SVT Sport, a crisis meeting was held at the union after both former national team leaders Karin Ersson and Lars Selin threatened to resign because of the handling of the recruitment process by the union director Ola Strömberg.

Lars Selin, however, says that he continues to work.

Is it true that you have been prepared to resign from your current position?

- No, I continue to work for the ski association in the role I have, and will then return as planned to my position as a development service.

Do you accept the information that you were prepared to leave?

- I'm not going to leave the ski association.

SVT Sport has sought Karin Ersson for a comment.

Ola Strömberg believes that it has not been more messy lately than it was last year.

- No more than normal. Last year there have been quite a few who have quit for various reasons, then it becomes a situation where many have to step up and do things they normally do not, says Strömberg to SVT Sport.

"Have had a turbulent year"

There have been many headlines around the length association in the past year. Rikard Grip was fired as national team manager, Johan Sares left the job as length manager, Urban Nilsson quit as head of the field, Jonas Peterson took over as length manager - but was fired after four months.

And now comes information on new controversies and crisis meeting.

Is it true that it has been messy in the union in connection with the process of new length manager?

- We have had a turbulent year, it has not escaped anyone. Then Ola (Strömberg), Karin (Ersson) and I have jumped into temporary services at very short notice and that of course poses challenges, it does, says Lars Selin.

Do you feel it is still turbulent?

- I think it's calmer.

Grip was relevant for the position as head of length

According to several sources, there are several advocates for Grip within the union, but he does not want to dismiss or confirm the information that he should have been relevant to the service.

- As far as their recruitment is concerned, you get to talk to those in charge at the ski association, that's nothing I want to discuss.

However, Grip does not close the door for a return to cross-country skiing completely.

- My heart beats for cross-country skiing, so it's probably not impossible for me to become involved in cross-country skiing in any way in the future, but right now my focus is on doing a good job at SOK.

Ola Strömberg says he has contact with Grip on other issues but that it has not touched on the service in question.

- He has not been involved in the length manager section.