Teller Report

Mathias Fredriksson: "Can't be wrong this time"

1/17/2020, 6:58:28 PM

After a turbulent year, SVT Sport was able to reveal that the concealer Daniel Fåhraeus becomes the new head of length. SVT Sports expert Mathias Fredriksson believes that it will be important for the union to meet right this time.

Since August last year, the ski association has been looking for a length manager. SVT's expert Mathias Fredriksson received the question earlier, but declined. Today SVT Sport was able to reveal that the doldis Daniel Fåhraeus, CEO of the energy company Pite Energy, will be the new head of length. A revelation that the union then confirmed.

Read more here: SVT Sport reveals: He becomes the new length manager

- I actually have no control over Daniel Fåhraeus, but I assume that the union has done a thorough recruitment. It must not be wrong that time after the former did not turn out so well, says SVT Sports expert Mathias Fredriksson.

Daniel Fåhraeus will only start working for the next season. Fredriksson thinks it is good that the length manager is already in place for the next season.

- Then he gets time to form an opinion before he has to go in and make decisions.

What do you think about taking a name from the outside?

- I don't think it has to be a disadvantage and there aren't that many who live up to all the requirements. This can certainly be good and he is also not completely out of the sport as he has been involved with Piteå Elit.

"No wonder"

Last year, it has been turbulent in the ski association where several senior managers resigned or were fired. Earlier today, SVT Sport could also reveal that it was once again storming in the union and that there is widespread dissatisfaction with how the union director Ola Strömberg handled the recruitment of the new head of length.

Read more here: Chaos and crisis meeting in the ski association

Mathias Fredriksson does not think it is strange with further conflicts given what happened in the union last year.

- It would have been more strange if it had just flown on. We must remember that Rikard Grip and Johan Sares are gone and no new ones have been added to their positions. It would have been strange if it had not been noticed in an organization. Then they had thought about what they were really doing, says Fredriksson and continues:

- It is sad that it has become this way, but at the same time not surprising. Had it worked out perfectly without these people it would have been more strange.