Teller Report

Granville - Marseille - Coupe de France DIRECT

1/17/2020, 7:09:59 PM

Grandville - OM live: follow the match of the 16th final of the Coupe de France between Granville and Olympique de Marseille live at the Michel d'Ornano stadium

Dimitri Payet during Trélissac-OM in the 32nd finals of the Coupe de France, January 5, 2020. - NICOLAS TUCAT / AFP


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GRANVILLE - OM: Kick-off 9:05 p.m.

8:00 p.m . : Time to have a bite to eat, we meet in three quarters of an hour to talk about all of this, and of Granville as well, of course, who is one of the great specialists of pretty courses in the Coupe de France. See you soon.

8:00 p.m . : Because yes, you must have read it, OM managed to disrupt themselves all alone like a big one this week with the arrival of a guy clearly responsible for refourguer the market values ​​of the group in the Premier League, and AVB had not been informed. Suddenly, muscular development of the Portuguese, and jerks of combat in the corridors to calm all that. While everything was going well on the ground, it's great work.

20h00 : A priori no worries to be done for the Marseillais, but hey the magic-of-the-Cup-you have seen, and then especially we will see if the agitation of the moment behind the scenes will destabilize the team .

8:00 p.m . : Hello company. Everything is rolling? We find ourselves, January obliges, with the Coupe de France do you want it here. Make way for the 16th finals this weekend. Things started magnificently yesterday with the elimination of Bordeaux at Pau. Tonight, we are going to follow OM, who are moving to Caen to face Granville (N2).

Serene on the field, with a beautiful series of nine games defeat that made him soar to second place in the championship, OM had a hectic week behind the scenes. Wednesday has left its mark. André Villas-Boas set fire a little by admitting that he was not aware of the arrival announced in the press of Paul Aldridge, specialist of the English market missioned to find points of fall in Premier League to the largest team's market values. The Portuguese coach even went so far as to suggest that he could leave at the end of the season if relations were no longer good with management. The situation is tense. Villas-Boas and Eyraud must have an explanation, surely on the return from this 16th round of the Coupe de France in Caen, where the president did not go. In the meantime, we will have to get out of this trap match against an amateur club which had bothered in the quarterfinals in 2016.

>> We meet around 8:45 p.m. to follow this match, which will obviously give us extra time ...

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