Teller Report

“The Elder Scrolls Online” always thinks bigger with “Greymoor”

1/17/2020, 10:37:10 AM

Announced with great fanfare Thursday evening and available in the spring on PC, PS4 and Xbox One, the new chapter of "The Elder Scrolls Online" offers players to return to Skyrim and confirms good health.

With its new chapter "Greymoor", the MMORPG "The Elder Scrolls Online" returns to Skyrim, to the delight of fans - Bethesda

Are we experiencing a new golden age of the massively multiplayer online role-playing game, the famous MMORPG? Let’s talk about a transition to maturity, even to wisdom. If the absolute benchmark of the genre, World of Warcraft , saw its number of players drop since a peak to 12 million registered in 2010, the community remains loyal. Finally THE communities. Because WoW no longer rules alone on the MMORPG. The past decade has seen the birth of new games, from Stars Wars: The Old Republic to Guild Wars 2 to Final Fantasy XIV Online and The Elder Scrolls Online (TESO).

A fantasy universe anchored in reality

These two are experiencing real progress with respectively 18 (including two only with the Shadowbringers extension) and 14 million registered players, even if it is sometimes difficult to navigate among these communicated or leaked figures, between registered players and active players. Despite its young age (it came out in 2014), TESO always sees bigger, with the announcement on the night of Thursday to Friday with fanfare of the new Greymoor chapter for this spring, and of course the heritage of 25 years of franchise and Elder Scrolls stories.

The Elder Scrolls games take place in a fantasy universe, and more precisely on the continent of Tamriel, but unlike other role-playing games, I would say that it is perhaps more rooted in reality, explains Rich Lambert, creative director of TESO at Zenimax Online Studios. If the magic were to disappear, the world would continue to spin, and the characters to live. The universe is thus not entirely based on fantasy, just as lore and history are not told by high authorities, dungeon masters, but through the eyes of all the inhabitants. With contradictory points of view, like in real life. This is what fascinates me the most. "

The announcement of #Greymoor hyped me!

I have the feeling that this chapter is moving towards something more refreshing than what was expected (or even feared), with content capable of reconciling the novelty specific to the identity of # ESO and a tribute respectful to #Skyrim. 👍

- Artesio (@ Artesio1) January 17, 2020

come as you Are

The developer discovered The Elder Scrolls with the first game, Arena in 1994, before taking a closer look at it with Daggerfall and becoming addicted to Morrowind . Logically, he started working on the license with the essential Oblivion in 2006. But is a single player game and a multi online Elder Scrolls game the same thing? “The main difference is the MMORPG class system, a fairly free system where the player can choose from three factions, ten races, six classes, and their skill lines, which he can mix, customize, explains Rich Lambert. You are not restricted to one type of character, you can be a mage but with a huge sword. You do what you want with fantasy. This freedom is found in exploration, lore , in fact the very essence of Elder Scrolls . "

To differentiate itself from a World of Warcraft or Final Fantasy XIV , also under strong heroic fantasy influence, The Elder Scrolls Online bets on accessibility. "You don't have to play for three years to reach the same level as the other players and enjoy the latest adventures, it's really easy," comments the creative director. You can play anyone, go anywhere, new players are direct to the max and can join the adventure. No one is left behind. Each new chapter, or extension, is thus an opportunity both to rekindle the interest of loyal players and to attract the attention of new recruits. “Especially since the previous chapters are included with the last purchased, which promises hundreds and hundreds of hours of play, adds Rich Lambert. "

Return to Skyrim

After Elsweyr , his dragon season and his new class (the necromancers) in 2019, The Elder Scrolls Online returns to Skyrim - yes the famous country which gave its name to the masterpiece The Elder Scrolls V - in Greymoor , with a new game, the Antiquities System. “If TESO takes place a thousand years before Skyrim , there are no less connections. The players have been asking for a long time to return to Bordeciel, explains the developer. He had been able to explore its eastern part, but Greymoor invites them to explore the Western Sky Borders , an icy region, a darker world, with the Griffenoire caves. Bordeciel is plagued by mysterious disappearances, attacks by werewolves and vampires, as well as supernatural Grimstorms ... The player must understand what is happening and how to stop it during a season of content that l we called the "Black Heart of Skyrim". "

If The Elder Scrolls Online tells its own stories, it can't tell anything either. "There is a temple guardian, and even temple guardians," said Rich Lambert. We thus have a lore master in the team, and we work hand in hand with Todd Howard, Ashley Cheng or Kurt Kuhlmann at Bethesda Game Studios. They take care of solo games and help us keep the same vision. The opportunity to learn more about the highly anticipated The Elder Scrolls VI , announced at E3 2018 and planned for next gen consoles? "I don't have this power!" ( Laughs ) We had to try.


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