Teller Report

The city where we grow up soon indicated on the identity card?

1/16/2020, 9:49:04 AM

The concentration of maternity hospitals has considerably reduced the number of cities registered on identity cards

French identity cards (illustration image). - JEAN-PIERRE MULLER / AFP

It is above all a symbolic measure, recognize the authors of the text. Senators propose to complete the mention of the city of birth on the identity card with the city of residence of the parents, according to information from the Parisian. The bill to this effect is to be examined this Thursday in the Senate.

The indication appears on all identity cards and follows us for life in administrative forms. Problem, for these senators: it is often the same cities that are found because the maternities are concentrated in less than 500 municipalities, where 99.6% of births take place. In Paris, one can only declare a birth in four out of 20 districts. In Corsica, only three cities have a maternity.

The authors of the text regret the loss of geographic diversity in the civil registers. In many town halls, "we only note the deaths", regrets Hervé Marseille, president of the Union Center group in the Senate and signatory of the text. This text therefore proposes to register the city of residence of the parents, with the agreement of the latter. If the principle is established, the trial of this “mirror” procedure could last three years.

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  • Birth
  • Senate
  • Society
  • Identity
  • Maternity