Teller Report

Saronno, investigating other suspicious deaths: 50 medical records seized

1/16/2020, 7:22:16 PM

At least seven nurses had expressed doubts about the arrested anesthesiologist's modalities. Other suspicious deaths are being investigated. The nurse lover: I want to kill, I feel like God

  • Suspect deaths in the ward in Saronno, the doctor and nurse lover accused of 5 murders
  • Suspicious deaths, doctor and nurse arrested in Saronno, including her husband, among alleged victims
  • The killer lovers of Saronno. Her to the doctor: if you want, I'll kill the children too
  • Saronno, many knew of the "Cazzaniga protocol" but were silent


01 December 2016

More than 50 medical records are being examined by the carabinieri seized in connection with the arrest of the nurse and doctor from the Saronno hospital, arrested on Tuesday on charges of causing the death of some patients. Among other things, the documents revealed the idea of ​​the two arrests to kill an acquired cousin of the woman.

Meanwhile, at least thirty deaths occurred at the Saronno Emergency Department on which investigators will investigate in the coming weeks. These are people who in one way or another during the period spent at the emergency room came into contact with the anesthesiologist Leonardo Cazzaniga, 60 years, arrested on charges of having killed, through the administration in excessive doses of drugs, in particular anesthetics and sedatives, at least four patients, who arrived at the emergency room with serious pathologies, but not in imminent danger of life. The doctor in a delusion of omnipotence, which according to the documents of the ordinance led him to say "I am God", I am "the angel of death", arrogated himself the right to decide who were the patients who could live and who instead had to die. He is also accused of helping his lover, 40-year-old Laura Taroni, a nurse in the same hospital, to kill her poisoned husband over the course of months with drugs. A murder for which the woman also ended up in prison.

The medical records and hospital access data of patients who had to deal with Cazzaniga during their hospitalization were seized during searches in the health facility. A huge amount of documents and data, there is talk of at least 4 hard drives, which will now have to be screened by investigators. During the investigation, relatives of patients considered possible victims of the doctor will also be contacted as witnesses.

A doctor: he was controversial, but she knew she was not well

"The medical staff is upset, we had no idea that there were such rumors about Cazzaniga in the emergency room. Instead she was known to be a person who was not well." To speak is one of the primary of the hospital of Saronno, who asked to remain anonymous. When asked by Ansa, the doctor reported that in the hospital where the anesthesiologist Leonardo Cazzaniga and his girlfriend and nurse Laura Taroni were arrested two days ago, the nurse was known to have "some problems", while Cazzaniga was known as one "sometimes very controversial". "He has a polemical character, but being little in the ward we always had little to do with him - said the specialist -. Instead she was known to everyone she was not well for neurological problems, she had even had epileptic seizures in the ward. It was often at home sick. As far as I know, she would definitely stay at home forever. "