Teller Report

I dared: this is the sex toy & apos; prohibited & apos; called to dethrone the Satisfyer

1/16/2020, 1:55:21 AM

We all know what Satisfyer has talked about this Christmas, that inguinal vacuum that works by pressure waves and dueling with the capabilities of many

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We all know what the Satisfyer has talked about this Christmas, that inguinal vacuum that works by pressure waves and dueling with the capabilities of many when it comes to climaxing their partners. For some a faithful ally where to lean, have fun or rest, for others the end of the species as we know it.

The best option is to surrender and enjoy, because, as we know from the sequels of Terminator , no matter how much we fight against the machines, they will always be one step ahead. It is the case of Osé , a new prototype device, armed and perfected to satisfy women, who say they have already surpassed Satisfyer himself . Yes, Osé , and that his name, nice and practically Andalusian, do not relax, Osé uses microrobotics, high technology, and all kinds of new materials to fulfill his benign mission: to give feminine pleasure at all costs.

See this post on Instagram

One of Osé's revolutionary advances is that it works without hands, adapts perfectly to your figure and stays in place to do its job without complaining about the heat of the blankets or stopping to drink water and catch your breath. On the one hand it has a clitoris sucker like the reputed Satisfyer , and on the other an appendix that penetrates the vagina and plays to blush at point G. Reproduces the stimulation of the beloved mouth of a playmate, slapping all over the length and width of the body of the clitoris, reaching parts that you cannot see, which are rarely reviewed in anatomy class, and that would blush until the last of Our grandmothers.

Awarded ... and damn

This perfect weapon to stimulate the clitoris and glorify the G-spot received the innovation award last year at CES , (Consumer Electronics Show), one of the most outstanding fairs in the world of technology, for that, shortly after, the same organization will withdraw it.

The exhibition alleged that the fair was not one of those in which innovations of "immoral, obscene, indecent, profane or that did not promote the image of the association" could participate . Next, Osé's developer, Lora DiCarlo, said in networks: "We won a CES innovation award for robotics and drones and then they took it back. Why is CES threatened by empowered women and products that empower them? "

Finally the CES shot them through the butt, since they had to give Osé his legitimate prize. It was especially thanks to the pressure of different organizations totally at odds with the fair's decision to censor such an esteemed and useful product.

So Osé has returned which terminator T-1000, to riddle everyone, in the best way, in this CES 2020 . There, in Las Vegas, USA, he has captained 4,500 exhibitors and has boasted of his waiting list of up to six weeks to get it. The future is now and, friends, it sucks and vibrates.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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