Teller Report

Girl with a wreath in her hair

1/16/2020, 3:02:06 PM

“Ms. President managed to circumvent all conflicting issues and never show any discontent. In addition to those places where it was a question of the permitted, authorized and agreed upon enemy - Russia. The entire interview is one endless desire to please everyone, to show how happy it is to be on the balance sheet of the EU, to keep American military bases and to be a small but such an important part of the great construction of a bright democratic future. Politruk is lying! In German captivity you are not tortured or killed! ”

Only the lazy did not write about the interview of Estonian President Kersti Kaljulajd with the German Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Yes, about the very thing where she regrets that the nineties have passed, misses Yeltsin and laments that Russia has not become as free and democratic as Estonia. Actually, on this aspect of the conversation our observers were mainly focused on. But in vain. In addition, in a conversation with political observer Timo Frasch, she talks, or rather, gives out a lot more interesting things.

What is striking from the first sentence: “The Frau President” (as Mr. Frash addresses her) is trying very hard. “Do Estonians feel protected by NATO?” Is the very first question of the interview. To which Ms. Kaljulaid answers with pioneer enthusiasm, as if she didn’t speak, she sings a song in the midst of green meadows: of course, Estonians fully trust NATO, of course, we have to participate more, give more and try harder for us Europeans (about , this neophyte joy!) played a large role in the world, both diplomatic and military. When a journalist quotes the words of French President Emanuel Macron that the alliance is dead, Kersti answers just as joyfully: of course, we should discuss the problems, of course, they exist, but there is no alternative to either the European Union or NATO, and therefore we do not reflect distribute!

They ask her about the relationship with Donald Trump - Frasch says that a huge number of Germans consider him a threat to peace on the planet. But here everything is cloudless: all countries have the right to choose their own Fuhrer (no, not a mistake, in the German text it is Führer), and Trump never deceived her expectations regarding the security of Eastern Europe. The military presence is growing, what else could be better for the world?

Further, about refugees (yes, we are ready to accept them and accept them, but the fact that they prefer countries with higher incomes is not our fault), about the environment (we support all initiatives, we are almost independent of Russian gas, we are trying!) And more with all the stops.

Mrs. President managed to circumvent all conflicting issues and never once to show any discontent. In addition to those places where it was a question of the permitted, authorized and agreed upon enemy - Russia. The entire interview is one endless desire to please everyone, to show how happy it is to be on the balance sheet of the EU, to keep American military bases and to be a small but such an important part of the great construction of a bright democratic future. Politruk is lying! In German captivity you are not tortured or killed!

It is difficult to blame the Estonians, as well as their complete unbearable ease of being the president’s frau.

Anyone who has ever been to Tallinn (and I was lucky enough to be there often) knows how little “freedom” and stay in the EU have changed this completely Russian city. Despite draconian measures, the great mighty still sounds everywhere, around are houses built by Russians, and on the manhole covers, like on an ancient Roman water supply, there are still imperial seals of Soviet GOSTs. “Free Estonia” was released twice - in 1918 (although its territory was ceded to us “for eternal times” in the Nishtadt world) and in 1991 (it was rebuilt and industrialized again), but it did not take advantage of it for a minute, and just found a new patron. And now, so as not to be abandoned, she needs to sing new songs.

If you understand this, all of Kalyulayd’s accusatory pathos towards Russia and Putin, and the oppression of Russian-speaking citizens who do not fit into any democratic framework, and the lawlessness against our colleagues from the Estonian Sputnik, suddenly become clearer. This is not a directive from Brussels, not a secret request from the State Department or even Russophobia - it’s the same pioneer enthusiasm, all the same desire to please and guess even the unspoken wishes of the patron.

It may seem to some that I speak derogatoryly of a small, proud Baltic country. But God sees, this is not so. I love green, peaceful, slightly sleepy Estonia. I see her as a fragile girl in a linen dress and with a wreath in her hair, walking through endless fields. And it’s not her fault that she wants to like and each time she has to find a new shoulder in order to lean on him.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.

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