Teller Report

Torra will demand Sanchez self-determination, amnesty and recognize Puigdemont as an interlocutor

1/15/2020, 8:07:49 PM

The summit of independent parties and associations with which Torra sought to redefine the conditions of the bilateral negotiating table between the Government and the Generalitat ac

The summit of independent parties and associations with which Torra sought to redefine the conditions of the bilateral negotiating table between the Government and the Generalitat agreed between the PSOE and ERC has ended with a minimum agreement to require Sanchez to negotiate self-determination and amnesty . JxCat also wants the head of the Catalan Executive to demand that the President of the Government recognize Carles Puigdemont as an interlocutor, after joining the European Parliament.

The president has brought together the Aragonese vice president, ERC leaders, JxCat, the CUP and representatives of the ANC and Òmnium Cultural. Also the escaped Toni Comín has participated by videoconference on behalf of the Consell per la República, the paragovernmental entity chaired by Puigdemont from Belgium.

Separatist actors have reached a weak consensus on the need to demand “self-determination and amnesty” from Sánchez, but, according to knowledgeable sources of what happened at the meeting, the differences between the two sides of the independence movement have been evident: the one that forms ERC and Òmnium - supporters of the dialogue with Sánchez - and the one that joins JxCat, the CUP and the ANC, supporters of boycotting the bilateral table and recovering unilateralism.

Elsa Artadi has served as a spokesperson for JxCat to demonstrate this distance. «The table is not a great victory for independence. Nor is it that there is recognition of the political conflict. We want to be cautious with the generation of expectations that may come out of this negotiating table, because we have not seen any progress, ”he said at the end of the meeting, in which the neoconvergents have also demanded that Sanchez recognize Puigdemont as interlocutor, as already did in his day with Torra.

Earlier, the spokesman of the CUP, Carles Riera, had stated that his party did not consider the bilateral table "a conflict resolution framework" and that he advocated to recover the "mobilization and civil and institutional disobedience" that took place following the ruling of the you process and co the organization of 1-O.

Both the CUP and JxCat have admitted, however, that they share the idea of ​​attending the first meeting of the bilateral table with self-determination and amnesty as a banner. And to that minimum common denominator the spokeswoman of ERC, Marta Vilalta has taken hold. "We found this meeting point that every pivot in self-determination and amnesty," said the Republican.

Torra intends to outline the calendar and the content of the table at the meeting that will be held shortly with Sanchez and in which, according to what happened yesterday, he will come with two requirements: negotiate self-determination and amnesty and rehabilitate Puigdemont.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Cup
  • ERC
  • ANC
  • Òmnium Cultural
  • Jordi Sanchez
  • Elsa Artadi
  • PSOE
  • Carles Puigdemont
  • European Parliament
  • Toni Comín
  • Belgium
  • Politics

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